I like the idea.
1. From two to three we lost 4 races please let's not do that. I'm not talking they cant get wiped out. I was ok with that. I'm talking about the number of playable races.
2. We lost a lot of the interface in the beginning. The interface in four should be at least as good as three. What I'm talking about we need to keep the usability features.
3. Instead of starting from scratch every time you make a game with the AI like you did from 2 to 3. I have an idea move over the ai from three and improve it.
4. These things might avoid some of the problems three had in the beginning.
5. I'm still voting for a identical interface with global and local governors. One difference local governor settings for a specific can override the global settings for that planet. Global settings will include an option to reset all local settings to global settings.
6. Put the shipyard icon back on the main menu still have it in the shipyard.
7. I'm still a fan of specialization. Specialization is would be better if instead of , and then going back to the same tree. How about choosing paths that dont lead to the same part of the tree. If you want to avoid the problem you had before. Dont give us an option to choose all three techs, and take that away that way we never lose anything.
8. I still like the idea of combined research. By combining research with different factions would create a tree that could only be acessed this way. The combined factions would dictate what kind of tree this would create. Different faction combinations would create different trees. More different trees would be created if you used more factions. This would probably need some balancing.
9. Idealogies. I still like the idea of civics better. They had them in civilization four. Basically different things you research can take your civilizations different paths. You will have a screen where you can select different paths of different catagorys. You could have a tree for each combination of civics. If you are going to use Idealogies instead you need to be different than a good vs evil mentality. Maybe 4 or more instead of three. Pragmatic was a fine name. But benevolent and malevolent sounds to much like good vs evil. Also simultaneously doing all ideologies at the same time makes no sense. How about your choice by which choice has the moist points. Instead of having point totals for each idealogy. You only need one ideology total after you figure out what idealogy tree to chose from.
10. When you find the anomoly that lets you research a tech faster. Instead have a tree where you research from a tree that only can be acessed this way.
11. After about 600 turns it would be nice to change anomolies, random events, and planetary exploration to a new late game stuff.
12. Still want to convert class zero planets to extreme worlds.
13. Would like the last terriforming option to terriform all available tiles.
14. Hope we get more habital planets this time.
15. I would like to bring back specialised individual faction hubs.
16. We need more specialised tech trees.
17. I would like to see a working version of the Jagged knife back. Maybe using class zero planets with the same number generation as two. Two had three different ones. Make this a pre game option.
18. Would like the tech sharing option back in the galactic council.
19. There are things on the interface that could use a double click option.