Is there an event that gives you negative influence? I just received a planet from the Iconians after they were defeated by The Angry Empire. It was -225 when I received it. 1 turn late, only -199.
Wow, not that I've seen. I haven't played as or with the Iconians in a long time though, I wonder if it's something specific to them?
Oh, wait a minute, maybe very low approval can apply a negative percentage modifier?
Xenophobic racial ability gives -95% to Influence (Iconians are Xenophobic).
So, some additional negative Influence modifier in combination with the programmers forgetting to put in a lower boundary check could be the cause.
I have had an empire wide Approval of 0, due to many NPCs giving me their planets. Can you say 30 planets over your planet cap?
And there are only one or two government types that allow unlimited planets ... maybe time to try a commonwealth?
What version are you playing?
Do you have a savegame you could upload so a dev can look at it?
I am trying to share a game. I don't see anywhere to attach a file here. Is there a program I can use to send you a saved game?
Most of us use a file sharing site like Dropbox, and then paste a link into a post here.
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