Good to hear Paul talking about design philosophy in the 6th Feb Stream, not surprised to hear they can't implement more than 1 ship per planet/shipyard per turn I guess even with 64bit the game can't potentially handle thousands of ships.
At 11:49 Paul says we overflow 1 (in regards to ship production) Well it's not in the betas!! If they have it working in their version of the game that's great to hear though. I think that will make a lot of people in this thread happy when we get it.
So with the 1 ship per planet/shipyard and overflow I have a few concerns still.
1. There's little point in making small ships since you can only make 1 ship per turn you want to get the best ship for your production why make a ship that's 100 production when you have 500 production available. Better to always make big ships at that point. How are they going to make small ships worth building past a certain point.
2. Focusing multiple planets production to 1 shipyard still has limited use because of the 1 ship rule. If ships were very expensive to make it might be worthwhile but would that be fun??
3. Not enough potential control in empire management on the micro level there were slider locks in Gal Civ 2 for instance, i'd like them returned or something similar (not the tax slider though glad that's gone). I'd like to be able on a planet to type in a cap amount eg 50 production max from planet x to shipyard y on any turn.
Blueqasar1 Reply #21 made a good suggestion, assume if they did that it might result in 1000's of ships still.