Reminds me of a sci fi story about First Contact with aliens, where one alien develops a telepathic ability to read the minds of dogs and realises that they've used their servile adoration of Man to covertly take over the planet and get whatever they want (Food, shelter, chew toys, etc, etc) and attempts to prevent his people from accepting a gift of two gods, a male and female, as a kind if 'thanks for stopping by and introducing us to the galaxy' present.
Naturally no one believes him, and even his suggestion of dropping them off on planet somewhere and telling the humans, 'Hey, we loved the things so much we gave them a whole planet to run free on!' was brushed off. In the end he is 'accidentally' tripped by the two dogs and falls out of an airlock and dies.
The incident is ignored and the aliens brush it off as 'There're always deaths in situations like these, we're just glad it was only the loony one'.
Dogs spread to the stars...
Actually, that'd be a pretty awesome event for the game...