The game has started to crash at a particular point when a new turn starts, and my current research finishes, when i go to click on choose new research it crashes.
Upon trying to change the tech, it does not work. It now just crashes as soon as the new turn is ready.
Thank you for including the save. I'll test it and bring it to the community manager. If I can find the cause i'll try to share the result so you can continue the save.
I sent a request to approve access to the save.
Sorry that was the wrong save, the right one is here
Ok I sent a request for that one.
Alright, thank you. I'm going to forward this to the community manager.
Hello! Just following up on this, we pushed a few fixes earlier today, please let us know if it resolved your issue
It works! By chance would you be able to tell me what the issue was?
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