I have no Treaty Obligations with the Draths.

For the offer of financial aid to the Draths, the tooltip indicates: " pay 13.1 credits per week for 50 weeks."

For the demand of financial aid from the Draths, the tooltip indicates: " receive 13.1 credits per week for 50 weeks."

I offer my financial aid to the Draths, they accept the offer.
The relationship tooltip is not updated, "You are paying us tribute +" will not be added until the next turn.

In the Govern Civilization screen, Economy tab, the tooltip for Treaty Obligations displays data that does not correspond to what was announced.
The "13.1 credits" changed to "17.77 credits" and a line that does not correspond to anything has been added "Drath 58", the title of the tooltip displays "Total 75.77".

If I ask for financial aid from the Draths, they refuse the demand, and in this case, the tooltip for relationship is updated correctly, "You asked us for money -" is added to the tooltip.