The planet "Pearl" has the bonus "Tourism +1%" from the "Port of Call" improvement and "Tourism +25%" from the Planet Trait "Aquatic World".
Part of the bonus is not taken into account for the calculation of Tourism Income, the value of units (5 in this case) from the Planet Trait "Aquatic World" is ignored.
Only the value of tens, 20% of the bonus from the Planet Trait "Aquatic World" is taken into account in the calculation:
"Tourist Attractions 1.2%" instead of "Tourist Attractions 1.25%", that is 64.4 credits instead of 67.1 credits.
Edit: It's 25% (from "Tourism +25%") of 1% (from "Tourism +1%"), that is 0.25% instead of 0.2%, yes, it's calculated this way. The result remains the same for the example, that is 64.4 credits instead of 67.1 credits.