while I do find some annoyance in certain bugs and/or unfixed issues, I am still quite happy with GC3 in general.
The tech screen upon leaving ideology shouldn't be a tough fix. Nor should having a global "don't upgrade planetary buildings by default". All have been complaints from the start.
I'll still buy a DLC which improves the game. But yeah, I get the complaints.
It's Bug A or Bug B: How many people like the "automatically upgrade planetary buildings" option on by default? You'll be happy when "Don't upgrade planetary buildings automatically" is the default. They won't.
I agree with you, it's annoying to have to remember to unclick that every colony - if you can be bothered. But Stardock wouldn't be solving a problem by doing anything about this.
It's lose, lose for Stardock. Therefore they've gone with what they'd like - which is auto-update. Hence no fix.
Agree about the tech/ideology screen. That should be fixable and doable as surely it doesn't benefity anyone.
My own gripe for something Stardock haven't bothered to really work on - increasing costs for zigzagging Ideology choices was a start, but only a start for me - is that they still call it the Ideology screen when it's quite obviously just Choices. Nothing as meaningful as actual ideology that underpins your Civilization's morality and belief systems etc which if you betray you get punished for. Just merrily zig-zag between the Benevolent, Pragmatic and Malevolent depending on the goodies you get for whatever choice and which one's better for now or "force yourself" to pick one branch and stick with it.
I'm not going to make a long post quoting everyone instead I'm going to quote them separate. Two things. First I've noticed Everytime I get an ideology. I finish my research. I think this is a unintended bug in the game. I don't ok know. Yes on ideology. Other than pragmatic this seems the same as two to me minus the fact that you are getting technologies instead of weapons, defence, and buildings. What would help is four or more paths instead of three. Another problem is benevolent by d finition is the same as good, while malevolent means evil.
This means that galactic civilizations had ideologies before civilization. Instead logical how about religious like the holy Roman empire. Survival of the fittest. Instead of benevolent maybe green, or everyone is equal. Resource oriented, the grass is always greener someone else. Isolationist works. Slave oriented works. Paranoid works. Trade oriented works. That's a quick guess. I will think a brainstorming session would be better. Personally I think civics in four were better than ideologies in five, and later. You.could work techs on this it would require more trees that could change throughout the game.
I don't like zigAgging. I think it hurts the ideologies. I think the game should pick from the most points added together of my choices. The trees this would-be based off my choices. This means my points then could be all of them added together instead of waiting for enough of one choice.
I would also like to see automatically upgrade planet off by default, cause I like better control of my.resources. But this might be a AI issue. I would rather a challenging AI. Not just this as a global option, but I've been asking for planetary options to be both, global, and have a planetary governor. With specific planetary governor's taking priority over the global setting. With an option to reset all planets to global option.