Galactic Civilizations III: Retribution
is Now Available in a Galaxy Near You
What started as a crusade has become a war of retribution.
Save 10%* on Retribution and 70%** on the Core Edition!
Retribution Expansion Reg. 19.99 Sale Price: $17.99
 Save 10% for a limited time!
Galactic Civilizations III Reg. $39.99 Sale Price: $12.00
 (Includes Crusade expansion and Mega Events DLC FREE)
Galactic Civilizations III: Retribution adds Hypergates, Precursor Artifacts, new major civilizations, and much more.
Across the galaxy, you and your rivals are discovering ancient alien artifacts that grant powerful new capabilities. Meanwhile, as civilizations try to carefully balance building an economy, funding an ever growing war machine, and engaging in diplomacy, the humans of Sol III have invented a game-changing new technology - Hypergates - which, when connected, allow for rapid transit across the galaxy.
With two new major civilizations and the concluding campaign to the Galactic Civilizations III backstory that serves this massive space 4X sandbox game, Retribution asks the question: How will you rule your galaxy?
The new features in Galactic Civilizations III: Retribution include:
- Artifacts - Powerful items buried on planets across the galaxy will give your civilization instant-access to new abilities.
- Hypergates - Construct powerful gateways that, when linked, allow your fleets to travel rapidly across hyperspace.
- Major Civilizations: Drath and Korath - The manipulative Drath pull the strings across the galaxy while the Korath rely on extermination. Each has its own set of special abilities, bonuses, and ship parts.
- Supply Ships - Supply ships can be constructed to deliver goods and services to your other planets to aid in their development.
- New Technology Tree - A top to bottom overhaul of the technology tree adds depth and sharpens the strategic choices in your research options.
- Retribution Campaign -The malevolent Drengin Empire made a terrible mistake underestimating humanity’s strength, and the climactic battle that will follow may end in their extinction.
Retribution Expansion Reg. 19.99 Sale Price: $17.99
 Save 10% for a limited time!
Galactic Civilizations III Reg. $39.99 Sale Price: $12.00
 Includes Crusade expansion and Mega Events DLC FREE
For more information, visit
About Galactic Civilizations III
Galactic Civilizations III is the largest space strategy sandbox ever made. Start with a single world and expand across the galaxy through diplomacy, trade, cultural hegemony, or military conquest in this single or multiplayer 4X strategy game. How will you rule your galaxy?
*Sale ends 2/27/19 at 1PM EST. Steam and Galactic Civilizations III is required to play this expansion.
**Sale ends 2/23/19 at 1PM EST on Steam and 2/27/19 at 1PM EST direct from Stardock. Steam required to play.