So, um, hi y'all. I'm just getting into GalCiv3 and the Stardock catalog more generally (also playing OTC now too) and I'm really enjoying these games. But I wanted to toss a few bugs I've found at you in the hopes that they get rectified in any upcoming patches or DLCs that are on their way.
So, first off:
1) Diplomatic Achievement produces diplomats, but also borked and tries to produce celebrities. Cultural Beacon, as a result, cannot produce celebrities.
REPRODUCTION: I'm only on my second game, with the Iridium Corp, but I saw this playing Terran Alliance on my first game too. Basically, if you build the Diplomatic Corps building on a planet that lets you train diplomat citizens, it works, but it also kills the functionality of the Cultural Beacon building that is supposed to let you train celebrities. You get the option for the celebrity to be built on the planet with the Diplomatic Corps., but it's missing it's little icon next to it. If you put it in your queue, it will simply build another Diplomat citizen instead.
I didn't think this was so bad until I also built the Cultural Beacon building, which is supposed to let me train celebrities. But that building doesn't let you do that. So it's effectively useless aside from its base bonuses.

2) Transferring a spy onto your own planet appears to confer a negative effect in the tooltip, but does nothing, and cannot be recalled through promotion, effectively nullifying them?
While I get that I'm supposed to be able to place spies in my own territory to nullify enemy spies on the main espionage screen, I have yet to see an enemy spy anywhere in my territory to try that out. In theory because I've mostly been trying to play peacefully these two games, first going for a diplomatic victory with the Terrans, then now going for either a tech or cultural victory with the Iridians.
But just in case, I decided to try placing a couple spies in my own colonies that I figured might be high priority targets. Certainly my capital and another one that produced my diplomats since that was a unique ability it had.
Doing so seems to do . . . nothing. And it gives me a tooltip saying that it is reducing the level of a building as if it were an enemy planet. With a negative modifier. But again, I see no ill effects. Worse, I then can't do anything with the spy. They just sit there as a planetary citizen forever saying they're doing something I don't want but not actually doing anything. You can promote them from here since their only promotion ability is to steal a tech instantly, and you can't steal your own techs, presumably.
This seems like an oversight at the very least. Either I shouldn't be able to transfer spies to planets at all from the transfer menu (much like you can't transfer leader citizens) or there should be some kind of effect. I'd guess either a morale buff (spreading propaganda), an improved enemy spy resistance buff, or maybe a general resistance buff or possible a minor buff to multiple things. At the very least, if they're going to be allowed to be placed on your own planets, it would also be sensible for them to be able to be recalled to the espionage pool, since Spies have more uses than your average citizen does with their own whole system and all.

2.5) Spies placed on planets population centers are OP.
This is just a weird oversight in my mind. But if you place a spy or spies on all of an enemy planet's population centers, you reduce their primary effect, which is the population cap. Doing this, you can reduce the population cap to apparently one, and effectively almost completely kill a planet without firing a single shot or invading with an army. It's just . . . weird. Some other effect needs to be input for putting a spy on colony capitols and cities. It probably makes sense for food distribution centers or fertility hospitals though.
3) In general, tourism income is either borked, or it's not readable.
So, I'm trying to figure out how to best figure out the tourism improvements. I like the idea, because they create another source of raw income on a planet that can then be multiplied with wealth improvements that affect gross income. Great! That's perfect! Especially if you're low on monsantium and can't rely on raising your pop for raw income growth. But for the life of me, all the information seems to be incorrect.
Take this one planet I have, a Precursor Ringworld I flipped early in the game because the Snathi decided to colonize it before I could get to it and it was in my territory:

On this planet I have the tourist destination next to 4 sources of adjacency bonus (the industrial improvement is the waterfall with a +1 adjacency bonus). The total adjacency bonus is a +8, which the tooltip says raises it by + 8%. This is on top of the standard + 20% for being the max level upgrade for the improvement. This percent modifier should affect the flat 1 raw tourism modifier I have on the improvement.
Next to it, I have the Restaurant of Eternity, which produces another flat 1 raw tourism income, as well as another 10% base increase to tourism and another 4% increase for adjacency (because I chose poorly on the terraforming option when it went to place it). All told, this should mean I have 2 raw tourism income and (I think) a percent modifier of 42%. On top of that I have another 30% increase due to getting all the tech upgrades that affect tourism. The total modifier to tourism should be a 72% increase of the raw number.
But the flat tourism that is being modified is only 2. So all told, that *should* mean I'm getting an extra 1.44 Tourist income from all the modifiers, for a total of 3.44 tourism income.
However, when I check the income tooltip it says my Tourism income is 10.1 per turn? Uhhhh, what? The only way I can see this being the case is if the adjacency bonuses are NOT producing a percentage increase, but a flat increase. But then, even THAT would be wrong, since the flat increase would be 8 for the Tourist Destination improvement, and 4 for the Restaurant of Eternity, a minimum of 12 before percentage modifiers get into the picture (unless the percentage modifiers are actually reducing my tourism income because they don't get higher than a 100% boost, but that'd be a different bug).
I just don't understand what's going on here. So I checked other planets, and it seems like I'm getting a base Tourism income of 5.6 on each planet. Even planets in which I have zero raw tourism upgrades. I have no idea why. I don't have a U.P. law that generates tourism income. And I may have made an ideology choice that does at some point, but I've been in this game for a while and can't honestly recall one that did.
Even then though, none of this adds up. Because 10.1 - 5.6 = 4.5. So if I remove the flat bonus I'm getting to all planets, then that doesn't match the expected result I would expect to get from this planet, which has my strongest tourism modifier.
I'm just really confused here as to how this is all supposed to work out, and nothing is adding up that I can figure out from the tooltips I can access in game.
And that's it from me for now. Oh, and because it probably matters, I have all of the DLCs except for Mech Parts, Altarian Prophecy, and Rise of the Terrans (and the soundtrack, but I don't think that affects the game's dependencies or anything), because the former was something I wasn't interested in (yet, it took me a bit to get into making my own ships) and the latter two had the lowest reviews and seemed to add the least to the game.
Anyway, cheers and thanks for the game! Overall, I'm enjoying it. Hence why hopefully this is helpful information to improve it.