Yes I am thinking #4 might need to be increased at least in player mods and maybe bonuses from Citizens.
Note that production in the game now is largely based on population with no direct controls over planetary production and taxes - ie no direct control of the economy (taxes) - social manufacturing - research - ship building (military) sliders. Raw production appears to be now always split evenly. Therefore going for the larger planets in the galaxy first has greater effort on your empire's growth (larger planets allow for more buildings especially food buildings to add Cities to increase the max population). Of course resource collecting is still required but more special resources are located on planets and they must be considered when colonizing. Plus asteroid mining has more of an impact on raw production than it ever has.
Several of the other Racial Abilities either unlocks at start of game existing generic techs or adds new techs to the master tech tree
A) Conquerors (unlocks Planetary Invasion tech) removed in 2.13 Beta.
in 2.13 beta gain global +1 Military construction per planet and +100% Soldering bonus (could be "cheesed" to set Brutal and Courageous Racial Traits to -2 points from start ??)
B Devout ability - adds old style Kyrnn Temple techs as well as ShadowEnforcers tech
have an additional +4 Administrators and get a Cleric Citizen at start.
ShadowEnforcers - after XenoEconomics - EnforcementTemple colony unique building that adds 25% bonus to its associated colony's economy
ShadowTrade (ThePathofShadows) - after Diplomatic Specialization - ShadowTemple colony unique (should be empire unique ??) adds +2 to Empires Diplomacy skill and aslo adds 10% Global Influence Bonus.
PilgrimageTech (enabled by what ??) - old version 2.0 -Krynn influence building KrynnConsulate + 25% morale and influence bonus on colony it is built on.
ThePathTech - after the Governance starting tech enables KrynniacTemple - old 2.0 Krynn Temple tech and its upgrades( KrynniacMission, KrynniacOrder) - colony unique building that adds +2/+4/+6 Morale and 10%/20%/30% Influence bonus to its respective associated colony.
ThePathTech - after the Governance starting tech enables KrynniacMinistry - new ?? devout empire unique KrynniacMinistry building and its upgrade ( KrynniacSanctuary - TheOrderTech) - empire unique building that adds 15%/25% Morale Bonus and 15%/25 Influence bonus and 15%/25% Tourism Bonus (do we get Tourism now if not Diplomatic ??) as global empire wide bonuses.
Jihad Tech is enabled in the military tree after PlanetaryInvasionTech which enables various ships attack/defense/hitpoint bonuses and planetary defense/soldering bonuses and adds the DivineTempleModule (DivineFleets) support module that adds fleet wise defense bonuses.
C) Sneaky (unlocks Espionage tech which allows you to recruit Spys ) - no longer gives you free spy at start with first Crusade update
D) Inventive (unlocks Zero Construction tech which allows you to recruit Engineers) and awards you with starting constructor.
E) Time travelers upon building the first ship they are awarded Star Federation, Large Scale Construction, and Stellar Folding research techs.
unlocks the Hive Buildings
adds new Graviton techs - [ Gravitonics (+10% ship hitpoints), GravitonicSpecialization1 (-5% Weapon Mass)/GravitonicSpecialization2 (-5% Defense Mass)/ GravitonicSpecialization3 (-5% ship support - drive/life support/sensor - mass), GravitonicManipulating (+15% Ship Hitpoints), GravitonicMastery (+20% Ship Mass)]
plus DimensionalWeapons (+5% Weapon attack), DimensionalWeaponFocus1(+10% Beam Accuracy) / DimensionalWeaponFocus2 (+10% Missile Accuracy) / DimensionalWeaponFocus3 (+10% Kinetic Accuracy), DimensionalFazing (+10% Jamming), and DimensionalFazingFocus1 (+10% Shield Strength) / DimensionalFazingFocus2 (+10% Point Defenses) / DimensionalFazingFocus3 (+10% Armor Strength)
F) Certain Ability - gain per planet +2 Influence bonus per turn
(adds new "motivation" techs)
G) Traders (Entrepreneurs Ability) get two trade routes from start plus one freighter.
adds acquisition techs including ability to extend starbase range by 3 hexes ?
H) Heroic (unlocks War College tech which allows you to recruit Commanders)
I) Ancient adds Social Matrix techs that used to be part of the Altarian and Snathi tech trees plus precursor techs related to relics
SocialMatrix (XeonMysticism) and its associated upgrade ( DarkEnergyLab ) provide a colony unique +10%/+25% MaxManufacuring and +10%/+25% Research bonuses to its associated planet. As well as researchable empire wide Research/Influence or Ship Construction/Soldering bonuses.
BiosphereManipulator (ParadiseWorlds) is a ancient unique ability to terraform any square on the associated planet to be useable space for building.
J) Starfaring adds the Hyperion series of buildings originally to the tech tree.
HyperionSensorSystem building which allows for 10% bonus to Ships Sensor range upon construction at that planet.
HyperionLogisticsSystem building which reduces the logistics requirement by 1 for the ship upon construction at that planet.
HyperionShrinker building which allows for 10% bonus to Ships Mass upon construction at that planet.
HyperionSupplySystem building which allows for 10% bonus to Ships movement range upon construction at that planet.
HyperionShipyard building which allows for 10% bonus to Ships Hitpoints upon construction at that planet.
Starfaring ships and Starbases are immune to nebula effects.
K) Knowledge ability races knows location of all players Home Worlds from the start of the game.
gain a HyperionMatrix building under XenoResearch (25% global research building).
Hive Buildings (Similar to Slave Pits) - Hive (HiveTech), MotherHive (MotherHiveTech), GaiaVortex(GaiaTheory) which give +1/+2/+3 Raw Production ? plus should give Precursor Nanites as well +1/+2/+3 adjacency bonuses.
I) Unrelenting gain
J) XXXX (Patriotic) Races gain an additional +4 Administrators at start (should scale at larger map sizes ?)
gain the Coordination Temple building and its associated upgrades (LaborMission and LaborOracle) which have no initate bonuses but give +2/+3/+4 adjacency bonuses respectively.
K) Intuitive ability gain 50 Research Points at game start (was much higher in 2.0)
unlocks the Hive Buildings
L) Slavers Ability (ZealoutsAbility) adds Drengin style Slavery buildings to the tech tree
On successful invasions of enemy planets Slavers gain 15 Ideology points to spend.
SlavePits and its associated upgrades (SlaveMill and SlaveFactory) - Colony unique building that adds +16%/17%/20% AllConstruction (I have tweaked these abit lol) and 5%/10%/12% Research bonuses (again tweaked by me in my mod) and +1 Morale and +1 Food bonus to its respectively associated colony plus +2/3/4 adjacency bonuses to Manufacturing, Research and Wealth.
Slave Recycling Techs - SlaveRecycler and ProteinResequencer - Colony unique building that adds +10%/20% food bonus to its associated colony plus +2/3 adjacency bonuses to Food.
Additionally Slaver specific colony unique Garrison building to the XenoCombatTechniques Tech Research that adds +50% resistance to its associated planet's defense in addition to the 25% resistance bonus from the standard colony unique garrison building by at the cost of another planetary tile being used and built upon. This is new to Crusade although at another place in the tech tree Drengin did have a second planetary resistance building.
BlackMarket - Slaver specific colony unique economic building adding +25% bonus to an associated planet's Economy. Now ImprovementsDefs.XML say this is for ZealotsAbility and MasterTechDefs says it is enabled only for UnrelentingAbility. I am assuming that the later is correct and ImprovementsDefs.XML needs to be fixed.
FightingPit - Slaver specific colony unique moral (entertainment building) This building has upgrades (Arena, Slaughtertorium, HuntingGrounds) that provide a +6/+8/+10/+12 morale bonus to an associated planet.
M) Xenophobic to promote Tall verse wide empire - Military production reduced by 75% globally but Social Manufacturing, Research, and Economy is increased by 100%.
N) Heroic Ability - gain a 25% bonus to invasion resistance.
O) Unwavering Ability - have 20 Rebellion resistance points to spend from the start to prevent planetary rebellions.
P) Wealthy Ability get +1 raw production to all planets plus an additional 1000 credits to start.
Q) Prolific Ability - global growth rate increased from +0.1 to 0.2 per turn per colony. On new colonization get +50% increase to carried population.
R) Adaptable Ability gain ability to colonize extreme worlds at the start of the game.
S) Determined Ability get global +5 to ship range from start without any researched techs.
#11 is new question and this building is not in the Improvements.XML file
For now I am trying to fix #5 by adding a Flat +1 Increase to MaxManufacturing to each work camp building (and subsequent upgrades) and see how that works. This is similar to how currently Research Chambers add a Flat +1 research increase plus per building research multiplier for each chamber (and subsequent upgrade). This maybe too good bonus for Slavery races and both of those flat bonuses removed and revisit eliminating the Space Elevator/Space Port and Computer Core as a starting bonus for all races except maybe for Synthetics. Also food / population cap bonuses for Molecular Fabricator related buildings may need to added back to the ImprovementDef.xml file.