The way it currently operates the AI thinks their ships are gold plated and yours are warm summer garbage. Considering what the AI is willing to offer in ship trades the feature might as well not exist. It does make sense that they wouldn't want to weaken themselves for some coins, but but weakening me and strengthening themselves seems like something they would consider.The price of ships in trade should be closer to the price you could buy it for in a shipyard with some modifiers. Increase value if it includes technology the buyer doesn't have, or exceeded the mass limit due to modifiers the seller has but the buyer lacks. Also the AI should be willing to pay more if it has below the average manufacturing capacity and fleet strength.Lastly there's the AI not recognizing its current situation when trading. They can be in a desperate war and I can clean out their treasury by trading them new farms, however they'll try to lowball the unstoppable juggernaut I'm offering them. When at war they should prioritize what will help in the short term rather that building an empire that may not exist.
Am I the only one who wants to be an arms dealer? Remember war profiteering from GC2? It would be like that only not abstracted. You'd actually be selling ships.Sounds like fun to me.
I used to do it a lot in gc2 & made bank because yor had the best freaking ships in the galaxy from all the miniaturization & absurd mfg compared to everyone else
AI Trade value of their own ships is 5x
AI Trade of your ships is 1x
It is set in GalCiv3AIDefs.xml line 765 and 766:-
<MyShipTradeCostModValue>5</MyShipTradeCostModValue> <TheirShipTradeCostModValue>1</TheirShipTradeCostModValue>
thanks, great work on all your ai stuff
Mommy, when I grow up, I wanna be an arms dealer!!!
Yes, dear, how cute.
I don't want to be an arms dealer. When I was learning to play this game well, I made the mistake of selling those ships you get from graveyards to the AI's for cash. After a while, to many of them thought that I was weak and ripe for conquest. Yes, ripe indeed as soon I was dog piled and a ground troops from several AI were eating my ripe fruit.
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