Terraforming seems to be overpowered, after getting the first tech i can terraform entire planets, this is similar to an older mod that was going around last year. it is fun to build these huge planets but it is very OP if the AI cannot make good use of it. It also makes some of the ideological choices that give extra tiles redundant. if the idea is to keep it this way and make the AI also use it then the ideological choices should be updated to something more useful.
The AI uses terraforming and makes great use of the extra tiles. The Extra tiles from ideology normally stack on top. (I have had sea squares from these choices)
Second, on a randomly generated map there seems to be an over abundance of precursor worlds. So far as the Klingons I have discovered and populated 4 massive class 25 ish precursor worlds and 2 huge class 43 and 44 worlds. Is this expected behavior or did i just get incredibly lucky?
I have increased the precursor world amounts too, 7% of total Habitable planets. Two reason for this: 1 - I have added extra Precursor Worlds, 2 - To make it more random (Default is a set amount). And for you to get that many large worlds in your area, you got dam lucky . Due to the map changes I have made (each size has more objects and Habitable planets) Immense should give max of 49 Precursors(7% of 700) on the whole map(10 on default). Its normally less than this though.
Please keep this up, this is putting a great breath of fresh air in the game. I especially love the changes in the tech tree, nice to see new names in there and with tech trading turned off I get to be surprised all over again by what my enemies bring to the battlefield.
Glad you like the changes! They are still incomplete though, Borg and Federation are the only one's with completed Tech changes. Beam and Kinetic Weapons are different per race too, damage and type(well color and naming). Missiles are generic, apart from the last in the tree, these are unique.
For example 1 for 1, Klingon vs Borg same amount of weapons/defense your going to lose as the Borg have harder hitting weapons
If you start near the Borg, it is wise to try an wipe them out asap. If they have time to build up(120-170 turns), your in trouble!
There are 3 unused shipsets, Vulcan, Andorian and Tellerite if you wish to make/have more ST flavored factions.