Essentially their reviewer condemns the expansion for breaking the core premise of GalCiv -- they skip the normal means of acquiring a ship (developing the tech you need, designing and building it) by providing a must-have nuclear option for getting ships that overpower non-merc ships and have powerful bonuses to boot, making researching techs and designing ships all but useless
It does this to a point, however, once a player starts to research various techs, the mercenary ships soon become obsolete, except for some of the special ones, in which the player isn't usually then using them for fighting but, just for those special situations.
I play on the larger map sizes, so maybe it's more of an issue on small ones since afaik the number of mercenaries doesn't scale by map size, but I don't see how he'd get the resources for more than a couple mercenaries if he's playing on small, which should keep it from being an issue their as well.
I agree and, have suggested that right away that they should scale up especially when playing a larger game with 100 AI, if this was balanced this would leave less than one per two players. (Almost one per three players.) Yet in a smaller game it could be an even rate of eighteen per one player.
[quote who="Yeller123" reply="1" id="3629362"]
He does mention that it's an issue in multilayer which could be the case, I've never tried it.
Multiplayer seems more of a race to the Merc Survey ships at the beginning of the game, especially the one that provides 100 credits per anomaly. Otherwise it isn't too bad at least it hasn't for the multiplayer games I've been a part of.
Suggestions that I'd and some have suggested to Mercenaries are the following...