This may end up to be a few questions in one..... and some of it might have been answers in previous threads, I did try to look through the threads but I am still confused...
1. I created a bunch of tiny/small assault fighters and I am trying to use them as the carrier planes instead of the game default fighters. I think from another thread someone mentioned threead different xml files to edit... Anyone tried and can you give me some general pointers as to how to make it work?
2. I think a lot of folks complained about how over-powerful carriers are because the assualt crafts/fighters will always arm with the latest weapons... In other words, my carrier maybe armed with laser, but if I research Phasor, my assault planes will all use Phasor. Is there anyway to limit the kind of weapons allowed for these fighters? In other words... is there any way to hardocde what is being allowed to be armed on the assault fighters. I believe the answer is no, but I would like to double check.
Thank you very much for your help. The game is a lot less fun to play wtih an overpower carrier force , at least for my games........