My wishlist: (I haven't played the game in 4 months)
1. Civilization/Colony capitals manual placement after colonization of planet- I heard this 15 months ago in a dev steam, they were going to do something about this and recently in the Oct 2, 2015 steam. Starting a new game or sending my colony ship to colonize a planet the capital gets randomly place on a planet tile, usually in a corner with no other adjacent tiles or capital is stuck right in the middle of 6 tiles, this annoys the heck out of me. If you go into your home planet after a new game, pop up will ask where you want to place the civilization capital. Pop up after a player newly colonized a planet to select colony capital placement. Maybe a tech later on? to move capital or rebuild capital to another tile.
2. Colony capitals should also be upgraded through techs to give +2 adjacency bonus to all. Colony Capitals should do more instead of just sitting there. There could be new techs to add buildings within buildings/Colony capital. Example: A new tech will add a building that's built inside the capital that gives an additional + 1 to adjacency bonus to wealth, research, military, or etc.
3. Manual placement of Shipyards after completion-I had my shipyards auto placed many times 2 spaces away. But in between the 2 spaces are asteroids, it slows all my ships built in that shipyard by a couple of turns.
4. Super abilities from Gal Civ 2- I already missed some of them already. Maybe some of the Super Abilities from GC2 can make it in GC3 as race traits.
5. "Synthetic" ability doesn't always tie to the Yor tech tree. When you mouse over the Synthetic ability it saids "Disables Food and natural Growth. Instead an Assembly project is use to produce Citizens" This is only true for the Yor. If you're playing a custom race with the Synthetic ability, you are force into selecting the Yor tech tree or you do not get any population growth. The "Assembly" and other techs from the Yor tech tree needs to be added to your list of buildings if you pick the Synthetic ability with other races' tech trees.
Solution to fixing the above problem: All races' tech trees have Synthetic techs in them, if your race does not have the ability the techs are automatically turned off and do not show up, if you have the ability the Synthetic techs show up in the tech tree. I think abilities should give 1-2 unique techs to each race.
6. A better tech tree interface/UI - Similar to Endless Space or Civilization: Beyond Earth (I have not played but saw videos of Beyond Earth). Their tech tree is a web going in four directions, left, right, up and down, that means you get to see all techs on the same screen at once, no more clicking/scrolling back and forth between screens in each tech category. Players can zoom out and zoom in, filter by tech, name, search, and tech web made it easy to queue research. The tech interface/UI in GC3 might be good 10 years ago for GC2.
7. There is no stat page. All of your race's stats, current bonuses from techs to stats, etc, There is also no page where you can see what galactic events are active, their effects and how long till event ends.
8. No more edge of the galaxy! - Example: When your cursor is at the right top corner/edge of the galaxy map, you can still scroll northeast. Scrolling will take the player to the lower left corner/edge of the galaxy map. If my ships are in the right top corner, I can now select and move them to the lower left corner the next turn. My ships will start to appear in the lower left corner of the galaxy! Now every race will be surrounded by other races, no more starting off in a corner of the galaxy.
9. "Show transformable tiles" button in planet screen.