As you can I had 6x influence and planet was still 0% revolt. it did eventually flip but it took a long time
It can still happen.
If there was non-adapting immigration added to the game a planet could flip faster.
Citizen races are not going to come in the base game or a patch it seems, even though they were commonly requested about a year back. Perhaps in the first expansion they will come.
In my current game, the Altarians have colonized a 4 next to one of my satellite systems, its currently at 0% rebellion, 46.8X influence for me.It isn't flipping.Hmm, something doesn't appear to be quiiiiiite right.
Altarians have a racial trait which makes them incredibly resistant to culture flips.
Ah Ha , Now i see said the blind man to the deaf person
It's not just the Altarians.
I've got 4x culture on planets and they won't flip. Basically 70 turns in, AI start colonizing extreme planets inside my borders and the planets won't flip.
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