So, unlike in GalCiv 2, adding new star names in GalCiv III is a bit... involved. Lots of XML stuff to deal with, and if you've got a lot of stars to add, that process can get super tedious. This simple program solves that problem.

Operating it is pretty easy: choose your starting index (because each star name has a label like "RANDOM_STAR_NAME_3785" to uniquely identify it).
Then, choose your text file that contains all your star names. Each line should have one star name, like so:

Assuming loading the file doesn't throw any errors (It shouldn't), you can then save the .xml data, which will look like this:

You can directly throw this file into your mod's "Text" folder, and assuming there aren't any conflicting indexes, you should start seeing your new star names in the game. This file works just like other xml files: if it's named "StarNamesText.xml", it will replace all default stars. If it's named anything else, it will append them.
Side note: I wanted to give more options for labeling star names to prevent conflicts, but they NEED to be named in the format they are in. If anything comes before the "RANDOM_STAR_NAME_(index)" or after it, the names will not be read by the game.
Download link: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/71512473/GC3%20Star%20Namer.zip
And a few links you might be interested in:
Although I'm sure the original authors would be cool with it, I don't want to update their name lists on the off chance they're not. So I'll let you do that and use them personally.
Let me know if you have any issues!
Included readme file:
To use:
-Select the starting index. Check StarNamesText.xml in the English/Text folder to find the index you want to start at. If the last index in that file is 99, you will want to enter 100 into this box.
-Load your .txt file with all your star names. Star names should be one per line, exmaple:
Blank lines are replaced by "Psiyon" so if you ever see a star with my username, you dun goofed.
-Save the .xml file.
-Put the exported .xml file in the Text folder in your mod's folder. Assuming the starting index was correct, your new star names should add on to the existing ones.