Pleasure Planet Mod
Every space opera needs a planet or two that just happens to... heighten certain sensibilities. In a large mysterious galaxy, surely there are items and places which have the power to... distract one's mind. (Just ask Captain Kirk!)
Never fear, Dumhed has done what most of you have hoped for without even knowing it... (or maybe actually wishing for.. in which case... don't admit it to anyone).
Well... here are the screenshots which explain it:
New Planet Type:
New Planetary Feature:
New Trade Resource:
Download and Installation Instructions
(PS.... Don't judge.)
So much judging.
I judge you worthy.
I wonder if I can use negative adjacency bonuses.... hmm... I may add some improvements of ill-repute into mix.
posted on my mod compilation thread. (hopefully that is okay with you.) nice job btw
I saw.
I judged.
And I saw that it was goooood.
Nice mod.
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