I'm in the same boat as Danniel1975. I went through each step, in the "missing_fonts_readme.txt" precisely and it has not changed a thing. I too have noticed my computer never gets/generates the 2 font files the computer is supposed to generate.
"I would try verifying your game cache within Steam. Deleting those two files though, and then starting the game, they should automatically be generated upon starting." - This is part 2 of the steps described in the readme file, which we have completed. Please give us more support then this.
"Also in todays stream Paul talked about it mentioning that deleting the "screen" file forces the game to remake it."
anyone got more information than that?
Having bought something that is out-of-the-box unplayable/useable should be unthinkable to any company. I work in heavy industry, if we have our machines break down over something so simple, as a loose bolt somewhere, that wiggles loose 150km from civilization, that operator/customer is going to be furious.
Due to this insight I, currently, have no interest in harassing you over this issue, others may focus on the "I'm never buying a production from 'so-and so' again" thought. For the future, please beta test better then this.
/end rant -heh
Can anyone link this stream from "paul" that mentions the screen file?