–RELEASED 05/14/2015–
Happy Galactic Civilizations III day, everyone! Release has arrived, and we’ve pushed the buttons to launch the 1.0 version of the game directly into your Steam client.
Thanks to all of our beta testers, Early Access players, Founders, and everyone else who helped us make the best Galactic Civilizations III we could. Of course, this is just the beginning – we have a roadmap for more Galactic Civilizations III content, from free patches to DLC to full expansions, that stretches on for years.
Read on for the full release day patch notes, and happy conquering!
Added the campaign!
Sets the minimum save version you can load to the April 30th build (saves before that will not be compatible with the released game)
Fixed the ghost ship bug (in some cases ships defending planets would disappear after battles, which could cause crashes later)
Fixed a black background issue with the Iconian leader movies
Fixed Typos
Made the tutorial easier
You won't see much in this changelog because we don't want to risk making a bunch of changes at the last minute. We have a game that we love, now we want to release it to the world.
It has been a long journey, and special thanks to everyone who took it with us. I spent some time today looking over old concept work, old versions and screenshots. We were at one point a 32bit game running on squares instead of hexes. We didn't license an engine for GC3, we made our own because you can't license an engine that does what we needed (we are looking forward to using Oxide's Nitrous engine for these types of games in the future).
This is where we started:
And this a tiny example of where we ended up.