Battles with stations involved are better to auto resolve. Ships on the defending side of a battle with stations just charge the attacking fleet leaving the station behind, even support ships do this. I do hope this behavior will be change in a patch because that is certainly broken.
If range stays and the battle viewer is expanded on then stations should mainly have defenses in the form of missiles, armour, shield and point defenses... they should then carry fighters. A fleet should stay back and lob missiles and the base should counter fire with its own missiles and launch fighters to try and kill the missile ships.
Sure... remove the ranges and you might as well remove accuracy, recharge rates as well and the battle view would become even more pointless and just a glorified auto resolver.
I still like to look at my battles even though it is frustrating when ships fire 360 all around them at full effect and every ship rushes into point blank range because not doing so would unbalance the weapons quite significantly as things stand.