** RELEASED as Opt-In **
Fixed a bug in the starbase screen and pre-invasion screen did not display properly when bloom option was turned off. (running the low performance settings)
Fixed an issue with ship thumbnails in the Ship Designer with a Custom Race.
Fixed more typos
Fixed the issue with the Thalan Targeting assist in the Technology Tree.
Fixed missing Icons on Xeno Archeology.
Fixed icons for starbase modules.
Fixed missing stat icons.
Added the release loading splash screen
Removed Beta popup from the start of the game
Enabled the "Leaderboards" button on the main menu
Clean up starbase Window and entries
Minor UI update to the tutorial window
Adjusted bloom levels in some of the ship combinations (if you put the painted iconian material on terran style ships the ships glowed)
Changed how aggressively the AI pursues constructors and starbase expansion, especially on lower difficulty levels
Reduced some of the AI bonuses on higher difficulty levels
Took hyper drives off the default freighter blueprint
Flavor text changes
Minor AI tweaks
Switched colonization events from influence to influence per turn
Significant rebalance to anything that provides influence
Lower ambient on all planets to 0.05
Tweaks to the bloom speculator intensity