Beta ver
A quick feedback for the new beta.
1) Crash.
Lots of random crashes with total reboot of the PC.
Nothing specific, it crashes at any time, even doing nothing, just looking at the planet screen, the tech tree screen, the general map, etc., even when "alt tabbed" while using Notpad or an Internet navigator.
It becomes really tedious to test the game.
If I remember correctly, it started with Beta 4 ver 0.70 release and subsequent, I had hoped for an improvement with Beta 5 ver 0.80, but no change.
2) Visual effects for the U.I.
First time they appeared ("shaking" home screen, etc.), I figured:
"my graphics card is dead"
and, "the latest provided NVidia drivers are definitely out of play"
and, "they program with clubs at Stardock" 

There is also the "dark effect" around the selected tech (specialization techs), in the tech tree screen, etc.
All these visual effects are disturbing, really hoping for an option to disable them all; I prefer an efficient U.I., pleasant to the eyes, but without invasive visual effects.
I have not tested every option yet, but thanks for the Trails on/off option for the ships trails on the general map.
Also, is there a way to remove the bothersome "shooting stars" on the general map?
If not, just make it possible.
On the graphics part.
The colored backgrounds for the different tech trees do not merge very nicely with the colors used for the techs "boxes" and the colors used for tech ages "bands".
The background for the Benevolent ideology is too much "washed out".
3) U.P.
There is no way to know the % of votes for my civilization in the U.P. screen, during a meeting.
There is no way to see what a particular civilization thinks about another civilization in the U.P. screen.
Being Iconian, no way to know what the Terran civilization thinks about the Drengin civilization.
4) Trade screen.
There is no possibility to cycle the minor races in the trade screen (just like it's possible for the major races).
Add a way, for the player, to hide (with a setting) what he don't want to trade (so no need to display them, and clearer lists), in the trade screen.
Set the default value to "1" instead of "0" in the "Trade Resources" (etc.) windows, in the trade screen.
Display how many credits the players earn per turn, in the Trade screen.
Display the relations state between the players (diplomacy's tooltip info: Annoyed, Cool, Ambivalent, +++, ---, etc.), in the Trade screen.
5) U.I.
Add a way to Resume/Shut down all the shipyards at the same time in one action.
Example, in the "Govern Civilization" window, "Commands" tab: All shipyards currently active must be set to "Shut down".
Add an option (on/off) to play with the Map Size Bonuses (ship moves etc.), or/and an adjustable option (% bonus).
Display the player's current point levels for "Benevolent", "Pragmatic" and "Malevolent", in the colonization event screen.
The Thulium sprite, in the zoomed out view, can too easily be mistaken for an Iconian survey ship (same color, shape similarity).
The minimap zoom is currently useless, it only zooms in the center of the map, no possibility to move the minimap display. It work a better way in GalCiv2.
6) Improvement.
Civilization Capital and Colony Capital improvements reduced to 10B pop and 5B pop respectively, ouch...
Perhaps a tad radical?
Need certainly to be tested!
Also, I preferred the previous values for the farm improvements (Xeno Farm to Lossless Farm: food + 2, food + 4, food + 8, food + 12) to the new values (Xeno Farm to Lossless Farm: food + 2, food + 4, food + 6, food + 8).
7) Ship.
Pop capacity reduced from 5B to 3B pop for the colony module, ouch, this greatly reduce the possibilities.
I think 5B pop for the colony module was nice.
This is certainly related with the Colony Capital improvement change (10B pop reduced to 5B pop).
All of this will drastically change the game play.
The "free" player's ships at start of the game are different form the default ones in the ship Designer.
Colony ship ("free" at start of the game):
Colony Module (1)
Hyper Drive (2)
Life Support (2)
Scout ("free" at start of the game):
Navigational Sensors (1)
Life Support (2)
Colony ship M1 (default in ship Designer):
Colony Module (1)
Life Support (2)
Scout M1 (default in ship Designer):
Hyper Drive (1)
Navigational Sensors (1)
Life Support (1)
Is this intentional?
I suggest to tweak the values, for the hulls and the components, so the player can design this types of ships at start of the game.
Colony ship (possibility for the player):
Colony Module (1)
Hyper Drive (1)
Life Support (1)
Constructor (possibility for the player):
Constructor Module (1)
Hyper Drive (1)
Life Support (1)
Scout (possibility for the player):
Navigational Sensors (1)
Life Support (1)
Hyper Drive (2)
Scout (possibility for the player):
Navigational Sensors (1)
Life Support (2)
Hyper Drive (1)
Scout (possibility for the player):
Navigational Sensors (2)
Life Support (1)
Hyper Drive (1)
Scout (possibility for the player):
Navigational Sensors (3)
Hyper Drive (1)
Scout (possibility for the player):
Life Support (3)
Hyper Drive (1)
8) Diplomacy.
There is no way to see the races abilities in the diplomacy screen.
The Civilizations logos (over the planets) are not visible enough, in the Diplomacy screen.
There is no way to see what a particular civilization thinks about another civilization in the diplomacy screen.
Being Iconian, no way to know what the Terran civilization thinks about the Drengin civilization.
Add a quick way (ex: smileys near the civilizations planets) to see the player's relations level (Annoyed, Cool, Etc.) with all the others civilizations at the same time.
9) Planet screen.
No more info about Planet Defense?!?
Bring it back. 
10) Pirates.
Display the remaining hit points (at least, full info would be better (weapons, etc.)) of the Survey Ship when asking to attack the pirates.
11) Shipyard.
Limit the shipyard sponsors to 5 goes against the original goal of the system (reduce the number of shipyards).
Say the player has 3 adjacent stars systems, with 2 to 3 colonized planets (per example 6 to 9 planets), located in the effect area of a shipyard; he must now build a second shipyard.
Perhaps a limit of 10 sponsors would be better.
12) Starbase.
Ship repair.
I have not tested yet how it work, 1 Hit Point per turn on the general map, 2 or 3 Hit Points per turn when stationed at a planet/starbase/shipyard. And I know there is some ship module to repair all the ships in a fleet already in the game.
But in addition, it would be nice to have some "Fast Repair Ship" (ex: 5 hp/turn) starbase module(s) (for Military starbase only?) to quickly repair the ships located in the starbase effect area.
The "Request Constructor" feature is a step in the right direction to reduce micromanagement, thanks for this feature.
there is no way to select the constructor type you want to request (it's automatically the one generated by the program with the latest amelioration available).
And, I have specifically designed a particular type of constructor to upgrade local starbases, so, without the last engine (not needed for this task), or/and without lots of Life Supports (not needed for this task), or/and without lots of Navigational Sensors (not needed for this task).
And, I cannot select the shipyard, located 3 stars systems away, that could fulfill this role perfectly, instead of the automatically selected nearest shipyard, the one who is completely saturated by the construction of powerful combat ships for at least 40 turns.
So, basically, it's good enough as a temporary solution to help reduce the micromanagement while testing the game; but not efficient enough to seriously play the game.
I take this opportunity to include a link to a topic with suggestions to help reduce the micromanagement in the game:
13) Bug.
In the "Navigational Sensors" tooltip (ship designer screen), there is a text line indicating "Life Support Mass".
The backgrounds in the ideology screen are buggy, wrong backgrounds displayed.
There is a typo in the leader name (D.L. Bradly) from the start of the alpha release, you can see the right spelling on the leader badge "Col. DL Bradley", in the Terran trade screen.

Not yet tested all the game settings for anti aliasing, etc., but there is "flickering" with all the 3D objects (ex: planets textures, ship textures).
Default in the Diplomacy screen background.

Ship path behavior.
The ship should take the direct path (red in example) instead of the detourned path.

14) Resource.
No Precursor Military resources on the map?
I want them. 
Previous topic with still valid suggestions for the game: