Beta ver
1) U.P.
Much more propositions are needed, it quickly becomes always the same to vote for.
Add a proposition for to not vote a law at all, to postpone the vote without a new law.
Separate the chairman law proposal and the vote for the proposed law by a few weeks (ex: 4 or 5 weeks); the players are informed about the future law, and so they have some time to try to influence the others civilizations vote, to "trade" for the future vote of the law.
Add the possibility for a civilization to be able to not respect a law, by including a penalty (clearly marked), for every law, if the civilization does not respect the passed law.
Planets Protection Act: no colonization of planets for 100 turns.
Law penalties: 100 BC per turn and per planet colonized for 100 turns, -1 to Diplomacy (relations) with every civilization in U.P. for 50 turns per planet colonized.
And a supplementary penalty for breach of an U.P. law:
-1 to Diplomacy (relations) with every civilization in U.P. for 150 turns for the first time the civilization breach a law.
-2 to Diplomacy (relations) with every civilization in U.P. for 200 turns for the second time the civilization breach a law.
2) Ideology.
The ideology branches are too small, they need more levels per branch (Ex: Outreach, levels 1 to 5 becomes Outreach, levels 1 to 10).
Also the traits are always the same, this will quickly become repetitive after a few games.
I suggest to add more traits for each level (ex: at least 5 or 6 traits for each level), so there is 6 traits for Outreach level 1, 6 traits for Outreach level 2, etc.
Make each trait for every levels random (same name but with different bonuses) for each game and for each civilization (every civilization gets different traits from the others civilizations).
This will remove the monotony of the actual choices and allow more diversified strategies in different games.
Some ideology traits can also unlock mini branches of special techs in the technology trees, they can/must be different for each races.
All traits must give their bonuses at any time.
For "Cautious" (Vigilant level 4), "All planets receive 3 free defending ships".
The bonus is a "one time bonus", the player loses the bonus after the choice, it no longer acts in time, unlike the majority of other bonuses.
It should act on all current planets AND all the future planets to be colonized, invaded, traded, etc., provided only that a planet can receive the bonus only once.
Also, it's certainly better to ask the player where he want to put the ships, near the planet, or in orbit (for reduction of micromanagement purpose).
3) Tech Tree.
The Technology Age system must definitively be a game option.
Sometimes I just need to research one tech located in the next age, and it forces me to research a dozen of other techs first, before I can pursue my research strategy, it's frustrating and breaks the game flow.
In addition to the game option to remove the ages, also, change the way it work for more flexibility.
Instead to completely prohibit to research a tech (no other choice for the player), allow the player to research the tech but at a higher cost.
For example, if the player (in the first tech age) want to research a tech located in the second age and don't have access to it (not enough techs researched), he must pay 2 times the base cost of the tech.
If the player (in the first tech age) want to research a tech located in the third age, he must pay 4 times the base cost of the tech.
Now, the player can make a choice.
So, the player can play the game without ages and without penalty (ages game option set to off), and, with the ages but with some flexibility and with penalty (ages game option set to on).
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It seems a third possibility is needed: "Strict" Tech Ages (default, current Ages), "Open" Tech Ages with penalties, and No Tech Ages, to satisfy all player types.
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Always expand all the "3 in 1 rounded boxes" (ex: specialization techs).
It's really tedious to open/close them for checking, and it brings nothing to the game apart hassle.
And replace all the green "+" icons (ex: Shield Specialization "+" Shield Cost -10%, Point Defense Specialization "+" Point Defense Cost -10%, Armor Specialization "+" Armor Cost -10%).
It's tedious to move the mouse cursor over each "+" to know the bonuses, replace them by something more specific so the player immediately know what type of bonuses he can get just looking at the tech.
When the player goes to the tech screens, it would be nice the program remembers the last screen displayed instead to reset to the default screen (ex: if the last screen the player went was the Warfare Tech Tree, next time the player goes to the technology screen, the Warfare Tech Tree is directly displayed).
4) Improvement.
Allow to build over an already built improvement instead to first destroy the already built improvement.
The new improvement uses the construction points from the precedent improvement to speed up the construction, and the precedent improvement is still active during construction (it worked well and this way in GalCiv2, why change it).
Add a global "Auto upgrade Improvements on/off" game setting, the "Auto upgrade Improvements on/off" on planet has priority on it.
5) Homeworld.
Add specific race bonuses for the different homeworlds.
6) Ship/Fleet.
Auto Survey/Explore modes should have a setting mode to avoid other civilization ZOC when there is no Open Border Treaty between the civilizations. A setting mode to order the same for ship/fleet path.
Upgrading a ship should be more a "convenience" that a "punishment" for the player.
Add a game setting to adjust the ship upgrade penalty cost (percentage added to the difference between the actual ship cost and the new ship cost).
Ex: Default, 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, ..., 200%.
Add also a game setting to adjust the ship decommission "credits back" (percentage based on the actual ship value (construction cost)).
Ex: Default, 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, ..., 100%.
***** Added 03/14/2015. Start.*****
A clarification point.
"Punishment": it means that it's better to destroy a ship and build a new one, instead of upgrading an old ship to a new ship, because the upgrade cost is too high.
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7) Nebula.
Add a game setting to play with bigger areas for Nebula, Dust Cloud, etc.
Ex: Standard, Big (4 times bigger), Very Big (16 times bigger).
This will allow to play with different strategic impacts from nebulas.
Other areas types could also give damage to the crossing ships.
Specific planets located in the nebulas with harsh conditions, with specific techs (colonization, farming, manufacturing, etc.), different malus (Wealth, Manufacturing, etc.), but also great special bonuses.
Change the way the sensor penalty works. Currently, the penalty (-50% sensor) is activated only when the ship is inside the nebula. Make it that each nebula hexagon cost 2 (instead of 1 currently), so, even if the ship is outside the nebula the penalty is activated for its sensors.
A ship near a nebular (but outside) has a sensor range of 8 hexagons. The ship is located at west near the nebula. The nebula is 3 hexagons wide. The ship sensor range to the east should be only 5 hexagons ((cost 3 hexes x 2 (nebula penalty) = 6 sensor range) + (cost 2 hexes x 1 (standard cost) = 2 sensor range)) (6 + 2 = 8).
The nebula should "block" (reduce) the sensor range to the east even if the ship is outside the nebula.
8) Starbase.
Add a module (only for military starbases?) to reduce the ship sensor range of other civs . Works the same way as nebula hexes cost (hexagon cost 2 instead of 1 for sensors, see above (Nebula)).
Add a "quick list" for the next modules to be built in the starbase screen (it can be located below the available modules list). This allow the player to rapidly select some future modules to be built for the starbase, they are automatically built when a constructor is available (a sort of Manufacturing Queue for starbases).
New types of modules:
Add bonuses for Planetary Defense.
Add bonuses for Soldiering.
Add bonuses for Growth.
Add bonuses for Food.
Terraforming (add free tile(s) to the planet(s)).
Increases the "Culture Flipping" time (ex: from 10 turns to 30 turns).
The bonuses provided by a starbase are too small compared to an improvement built on the planet.
First, the player has to build a starbase, then construct and send some constructors to get the bonuses.
At this time, the bonus provided is much less than one improvement built on the planet.
Then, the player must construct and send some more constructors to defend the starbase (modules), and eventually construct and send some ships to further defend the starbase.
All of this just to have a bonus less significant than a lone tile (improvement) on the planet.
It's really not worth the effort.
The bonuses provided by a starbase should be much more important, at least the value of 3 or 4 tiles (improvements) on a planet.
***** Added 03/13/2015. Start.*****
It seems that this is not clear enough.
The comparison is for the "% bonuses" (starbase modules and improvements), without taking into account the production bonus (Economic Ring, as the production bonus works for all the "% bonuses").
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Construction limitation of starbases.
I find that the current limitation system based on a minimum distance between starbases is not very convenient. The player need to count the hexes, and this, even with the starbases of the opponents.
And it can be easily abused to prevent the AI to build a starbase near one of your planet or near one of his planets. As the starbases of the opponents are taken into account for the limitation, the player can build "empty" starbases to "block" the AI and protect his planets, and even block the construction of starbases near the planets of the opponents.
I suggest to change the way the limitation is applied.
The limitation should be based on the number of overlapping effect areas of starbases (the number of layers), anywhere on the map.
(The effect areas of starbases increased by starbase modules are taken into account before the modules are researched, so, always based on the max effect areas of starbase available (change in game, modding).)
It cannot have more than 6 effect areas of starbases overlapping for the player, and 6 effect areas of starbases overlapping for all the opponents, near one player's planet.
So, basically, in the example, 6 starbases max per planet for a player's planet, and 6 starbases max for all the opponents for the same planet.
A total of 12 starbases max per planet.
The player can have more than 6 starbases per planet only if he "trade" for a starbase of an opponent, or if the starbase "flip", (or eventually by boarding it, in the future of the game), but the limit is always 12 starbases max.
Much more user friendly; the player wants 1, 2, 3 starbases, he just has to build them on the map without the need to "count the hexes", and the AI cannot be "blocked".
Another solution would be to bring back the "system of areas" used in GalCiv2 (or a similar system), the "sectors system" (1 sector = 15 X 15 tiles) and to set a number of starbase per sector for the player and the opponents (player: 6 starbases max, all the opponents: 6 starbases max).
Don't know if it's easily feasible in GalCiv3.
A "sectors system" is also really needed in GalCiv3 to help the player to evaluate the distances on the map.
***** Added 03/14/2015. Start.*****
Also, a system based on "effect areas of starbases overlapping" (layers) is much more flexible for modding (ex: make more "powerful" starbases and limit them to 1 or 2 starbases per planet).
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The starbase modules are, in reality, built the next turn instead of "instant" building in the current turn. It's destabilizing.
And sometimes, this prevents to build all the modules in the same turn, example, when building first a module who extends the effect area of starbase, and so it forces to wait next turn to build a mining module, it just adds more micromanagement.
Make the building of starbase modules "instant" (current turn).
9) Shipyard.
When a shipyard is in "Shut down" mode (inactive), a double click on a ship in the list should automatically cancel the "Shut down" mode, instead of being forced to cancel the "Shut down" mode and then add a ship.
Double click in a ship task in the shipyard manufacturing queue should remove the task from the list.
Some techs to upgrade shipyard defense are needed, should be automatic, please no more constructors.
10) Planet.
Double click in an improvement construction task in the planet manufacturing queue should remove the task from the list.
The player should know at which shipyard the planet is linked, and what ships construction tasks are in the shipyard manufacturing queue.
When the player adjusts the planet production in the Govern Planet window, it should be possible to see the repercussion to the shipyard manufacturing queue linked to the planet.
11) U.I.
Add a game option to display a visual info (ex: inverse/change the colors for background and text on the turn button) when the player can hit the turn button (no more orders to give), for players who play without sound activated.
Display the planet tooltip when the mouse cursor is over the planet sprite in the planets list.
When zoomed out ("strategic view"), display the icons around the planets (the same icons when zoomed in). They were always displayed in GalCiv2.
Add a "Quick Save" button and a corresponding keyboard shortcut.
Allow the player to set the number of quick save files he want (ex: 1, 2, ...4 different quick save files)(the quick save files are replaced sequentially and automatically, the fifth save replace the first save).
The player must be notified when a planet has reached its maximum population capacity.
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Allow the player to set the population limit for the notification (ex: notification when the population reaches 20B Pop).
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The planet tooltip must inform the player when a civilization has chosen an ideology trait that implies the planet can no more be flipped.
The player must be notified when there is a free tile on a planet after a terraforming (if the planet has only an infinite project in progress in the manufacturing queue).
Make bigger areas to click on, in the planet screen (small arrows to cycle through the planets), instead of just the tiny graphic areas of the arrows, or make bigger buttons (graphic). The same for others screens.
In the colonization event screen (ideology choice), make the whole area clickable for each choice (all text area), instead of just the small check box.
Load ship window.
It would be nice if the Pop/Max Pop, Growth per turn, and Approval infos would be displayed when loading a ship. Approval is updated real time.
The program automatically remembers the player's last settings, for the population and the selected planets, next time a ship is launched from this shipyard.

Can we have a way to display the quantity of the same component for each component type (in the example, "23" under the component, top), instead of displaying 23 times the same component (23 times the same graphic, bottom).
With a bouton to fold/unfold (top in example/bottom in example) the display of components list.
The components can be removed (double clicks) even if the components list is folded.

12) Trade.
Why separate the access to the trade window in 2 steps.
First, access the "home screen", then access the "real trade window" by clicking on the "Let's see if we can come to a trade agreement." button.
In GalCiv2, the player can go through all the civilizations with the two arrows on top of the screen, simple and efficient.
In GalCiv3, each time the player goes to the next civilization, he is redirected to the civilization "home screen", and then he must click on the "Let's see if we can come to a trade agreement." button.
This brings absolutely nothing to the game apart annoyance. Even worse, the player can declare war to the civilization if he miss click (without confirmation).
When the player make a proposal with "Offer Credits", the value is automatically adjusted.
The same (value automatically adjusted) should be done for "Make Weekly Payments", and also for "Strategic Resources".
Allow the possibility to make payment for a specific number of turns, instead of an "eternal" payment.
The same for the strategic resources.
20 credits for 50 turns.
Add a "Remove" button in the "Credits Per Turn" setting window, so 3 buttons, "Remove" to remove the item from the trade list, "Cancel" no change, "Offer" to validate the offer and the change. It's not very user friendly currently.
The same for the strategic resources.
Add some filters in the different categories (planets, techs, ships, etc.) in the different trade lists.
Add a "Remove All" button at the bottom of the screen to remove completely all the items in one click (clear the lists of offers).
13) Bugs.
When I adjusts the planet production in the Govern Planet window, the improvement costs in the manufacturing queue list are not updated (Basic Factory, Research Laboratory, etc.).
Sometimes it's impossible to build the "Soil Enhancement" improvement and others terraforming improvements on a planet.
This must never happens. It should always have enough tiles to build all the terraforming improvements on each planet.
3) The mouse wheel works when the mouse cursor is over the planets sprites zone and the window scroll bar zone (green rectangles) but don't works over the central zone (red rectangle).
This occurs when a construction bar (improvement) is located under the mouse cursor during the list progression.

14) Suggestions.
When a player colony ship was heading towards a free planet, and the planet is colonized by another colony ship (own or opponent), the player colony ship must stop and ask for new instructions to the player ("Idle Ship" button).
During its movement, when a ship/fleet finds (in its sensor range) a planet, an opponent starbase, an opponent ship, etc., the ship/fleet must stop and ask for new instructions to the player ("Idle Ship" button).
A colony ship, with 10 moves, discovers a planet (in its sensor range) during its move while he has moved 3 moves out of 10 moves, he must then stop and ask for new instructions.
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A precision point.
The ship/fleet must stop and ask for new instructions to the player ("Idle Ship" button), only the first time the planet, starbase, etc. is revealed.
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Remove the "+" for the improvements manufacturing cost (ex: "Basic Factory, Manufacturing Cost +26" --> "Basic Factory, Manufacturing Cost 26").
Move, Ship Range and Sensor Range systems.
Move, Ship Range and Sensor Range systems are all based on hexagons.
"Move 1" = 1 hexagon displacement.
"Ship Range 20" = 20 hexagons max range displacement.
"Sensor Range 4" = 4 hexagons range visibility.
So why use percentage for the bonuses?
(ex: Moves +10%, Ship Range +10%, Sensor Range +10%, etc.).
This way, with percentage, these systems will always be flawed and wobbly.
The player researches specialization techs for nothing, 10% for 1 move will be 1.1 rounded down to 1, etc.
All the bonuses (techs, traits, improvements, etc.) for Move, Ship Range and Sensor Range should be flat number bonuses.
(ex: Move +1, +2, +3, etc., Ship Range +2, +4, +6, etc., Sensor Range +1, +2, +3, etc.).
If percentage continues to be used for these systems, I further suggests to give a double bonus (ex: +1 move and +10% move), so even the ships with small move get a bonus.
I would to be able to add "labels" and "text" (description/memo for player) to the planets, shipyards, starbases, rally points, ships/fleets, etc.
Each planet (etc.) can have several labels (ex: Factory World, Military 112, Ship Abg, what i want).
Labels are used for search function (in the planets list, etc.) and for assignments ("Commands" in "Govern Civilization" window (ex: all shipyards with this label must do this)).
The labels and text are displayed in the tooltips (planets, etc.).
When in war phase with an opponent, it becomes rapidly tedious to have to destroy the enemy shipyards almost every turn.
The AI should be smart enough to not rebuild the shipyards when this arrives.
An "Auto Attack" ship/fleet command would also be nice for all sorts of circumstances in the game.
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"Auto Attack" Command with rally point.
Set the ship to Auto Attack.
Set a radius (ex: 10 tiles).
Set the ship to a rally point.
The ship will auto attack all the enemy ships entering the area, determined by the rally point and the tile radius, and all starbases and shipyards located in the area.
Can be extended to an "Auto Colonize" command, all colony ships send to the rally point will auto colonize the planets located in the area.
With possibility of directives --> nearest planet first, furthest planet first, better quality planet first, etc.
Can be extended to "Explore" (and "Survey") command, all ships send to the rally point will only auto explore the determined area.
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I added a suggestion for rally point (point "6") to reduce micromanagement in this topic:
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Add a game setting to adjust the rush buy cost penalty for ships and improvements.
Ex: Default, 2, ..., 25 times the base cost.
More flexibility for different types of players.
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***** Added 03/14/2015. Start.*****
Allow the player to rush buy more than one task (improvements, ships), there is only one improvement/ship built per turn, and the others are only planning for the next turns.
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***** Added 03/13/2015. Start.*****
15) Production overflow.
Currently, the production overflow is wasted (construction of improvements and ships).
I suggest to send all these "production points" to a "global bank", so the player can use them to "rush buy" improvements and ships, and to upgrade his ships (it's complementary to rush buy/pay with credits and don't replaces the credits, the player can use both at the same time); the player can also sell/buy them to/from other civilizations.
Or, transform the production overflow directly into credits?
Is that a game option is necessary?
16) Shipyard.
There is no way to set the launch direction to a specific hexagon for a newly built ship. And it will be a supplementary micromanagement to do it.
So, I suggest that the six hexes around the shipyard are free of move cost for the first ship movement (thus, only for the newly built ship), and this, as long as the ship is located on the adjacent hexagons (if the ship leaves the area and then returns to the area during his first movement, in this case, it costs full move cost).
Perhaps the same for ships around planets and starbases, when utilising the eject button.
17) Research.
During a game (with approximately 60 planets), I was able to research a tech every turn.
This was a quite tedious to set a tech each turn, and it rapidly became uninteresting to do it.
I know it's still in beta, but just to say it.
In GalCiv2, it is possible to research multiple techs per turn as long as you have enough research points to do it.
Just like with the production overflow for manufacturing, the production overflow for research could be transformed into credits.
So, the player do not need to micromanage all his planets (for manufacturing and research overflows), to get finally the same result.
Is that a game option is necessary?
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***** Added 03/15/2015. Start.*****
18) U.I.
In Diplomacy window, reverse the "diplomacy state bar" of opponents ("At War" is at right side, and "Ally" is at left side currently), it is the other way in GalCiv2 ("At War" is at left side, and "Ally" is at right side); currently, it doesn't match the reading direction standard; like a growth curve for diplomacy, small value to the left ("At War"), high value to the right ("Ally").
Also, the "Yes" and "No" buttons are also inversed in the windows (they are the right way in GalCiv2); it doesn't match the Windows convention standard ("Yes" button at left, "No" button at right).
A way to expand the "lists of offers" (bottom of the screen) in the Trade window, look at all this unused space on the screen and how these lists are cramped, not user friendly.
When a new shipyard is built, the "Assign Shipyard Sponsors" window is displayed, add a way to go directly to this shipyard once a sponsor is attributed (ex: "Go To" button).
Add a way to see the future bonuses (% Production, % Morale, % Tourism) for extreme planets (Aquatic, Barren, etc.) when the player has not yet researched the necessary techs (planet tooltip, bonuses in planet screen window).
Add a way for the player to know how many planets he possess for each type of extreme planets (ex: 8 Aquatic planets, 15 Barren planets, etc.).
Display the future planet potential (current planet class, max planet class (ex: 10/26) in all the corresponding tooltips (Planet Surface screen, Planet tooltip, etc.), when all the terraforming techs (in game, modding) will be researched.
Add a way to see the ships in defense in the planet screen.
Display different icons corresponding to the ship types for the ships in defense for planets, starbases, shipyards, etc. (same icons as the "strategic view" (map zoomed out)).
Add a game option for ship movement on the map.
Currently, select a ship, right click on the map, the ship moves to the destination.
Add an optional mode to an alternate functioning, select a ship, right click on the map, it only displays the ship path on the map, another right click on the same hex, the ship moves to the destination (if the second right click is on another hex, it displays a new ship path on the map).
Make sure that the tooltips are displayed outside of the display area of lists (planets list, improvements list, lists in trade screen, etc.), same for the tooltips over the minimap.
This is becoming more and more annoying the more I play the game.
And, if I display a tooltip, per example, over a tech in the trade screen, and I scroll the list with the mouse wheel (without moving the mouse cursor), the tooltip is not updated for the tech under the mouse cursor, also annoying.
Planet screen, there is enough space above and below the current improvements list and manufacturing queue list, to make the area of the lists bigger; just use this space for a more user friendly interface.
Display the "Influence Growth" and the "Current Influence" at the same time in all the Influence tooltips.
The current display system for hexes on the planet surface (overlapping of the edge of the hexes, top in example), can sometimes be confusing. An unbuildable hex can appear as buildable, when it is surrounded by buildable hexes, but it is not.
The display system (separated hexes, bottom in example) used in alpha version of the game is better suited. It would also be more suited to directly display the different qualities of the tiles (color coded system tiles for terraforming).

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***** Added 03/18/2015. Start.*****
19) % bonuses from planet traits, colonization events and race traits.
The % bonuses provided by the planet traits and the colonization events are too small compared to the % bonuses provided by improvements built on the planet.
They are a bit interesting at start game, but they become gradually less and less significant as soon as more improvements are built on the planet.
The bonuses provided by a planet traits should be more important, at least the % bonuses value corresponding to 1 or 2 tiles of the top level improvements built on a planet; perhaps "flat" bonuses (always useful) instead of % bonuses.
They should keep a certain importance throughout the whole game duration.
I find that some of the race traits bonuses are also too small, they also are a bit interesting at start game, but they become gradually less and less significant; initial bonuses are diluted in the mass of % bonuses, and the civilizations all end up looking alike.
The race traits bonuses should provide at least the equivalent value of 1 or 2 fully harvested Relic resource, to provide sufficiently differentiated gains, for all civilizations, all game long; perhaps "flat" bonuses (always useful) instead of % bonuses.
20) Planet.
In the planet screen, replace the base icons used in the improvements list by the icons of the current level of the improvements available.
Basic Factory (+25% manufacturing) replaced by Manufacturing Center (+55% manufacturing) when available.
It's will be more user friendly, and easier to directly apprehend the correct value of the constructed improvement.
21) Ship component.
It would be nice to have several various Hit Points modules, just like in GalCiv2.
And unique techs, unlocked by traits in the Ideology trees, with specific Weapons and Defenses for ships.
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***** Added 03/19/2015. Start.*****
22) U.I.
Add tooltips for the improvements in the manufacturing queue (tasks), in the planet screen.
Add tooltips for the ships in the manufacturing queue (tasks), in the shipyard screen.
Display the current rally point destination in the shipyard tooltip, in the shipyard info bar (bottom left of the screen when selected), and in the shipyard screen.
Display the current rally point destination in the ship tooltip, in the ship info bar (bottom left of the screen when selected), and in the ship screen.
Add the ships in fleet list in the fleet tooltip on the general map.
Allow to set a duration for the "infinite projects" (ex: Research Project).
By default the duration is infinite, the player can set a duration, per example, 20 turns; and at the end of the 20 turns, the project is "suspended" and the player is prompted ("Idle Colony" button).
When the shipyard is in shut down mode, the "Quick Build" button is not accessible (in the shipyard info bar (bottom left of the screen when selected)), it should be; perhaps change the button label to "Resume" in this case (resume the shipyard, and add a new task).
Display the current rally point in the "Set Shipyard Destination" window.
In the planet screen, memorize the selected improvement, when the player change the current planet.
The player selects the "Basic Factory" in the improvements list, when the player change the current planet, the "Basic Factory" is already selected in the improvements list.
In the Diplomacy screen (Relations tab) display the "Power" of the civilizations (same number as "Power" tab in the general screen).
In the starbase screen, add a way to display all the starbase modules available in the game (from all the civilizations tech trees, and even not yet researched), ex: a toggle button "See all available current modules / See all available modules in game".
Display the "home planet" name in the freighter tooltip, and the ship screen.
Display the icons of the "Defending Fleet" ships in the tooltips for planets, shipyards and starbases.
Allow to create a rally point located in an area not yet explored on the map.
When moving a shipyard ("Unanchor" button), and when the shipyard has reached its destination and is again anchored ("Anchor" button), open automatically the "Assign Shipyard Sponsors" window if a "free" planet is available to sponsorize the shipyard (if the planet do not already sponsorize another shipyard).
This can be eventually a game setting.
Sometimes, the player is "prisoner" of the game screens.
Per example, in the "Colonization Event" screen, or the "United Planets" meeting screen, etc., it's imperative the player act before he can leave the screen.
I suggest to add a "Wait" button (delay the choice), so the player can "check" other things before he makes his choice in these screens; the "waiting screens" are added to the list that the player must do before ending the turn, "Idle Colony", "Research", "Idle Ship", "Idle Colonization Event", "Idle U.P. Meeting", etc.
Add a way to set all the "Idle Ship" to the "Guard" command, with only one action.
Example, in the "Govern Civilization", "Commands" tab: All "Idle Ships" should be set to "Guard".
23) Starbase.
An idea for starbase, perhaps in a DLC.
A specific starbase, the "Terraforming Star", allow to terraform all the dead planets (Class 0 (Dead)) located in a solar system, just one use (destroyed after use), then the player can colonize them.
Available with special tech(s), and need some starbase module(s).
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***** Added 03/20/2015. Start.*****
24) U.I.
Display the manufacturing cost and maintenance cost of components in the tooltips, in the components lists (in the ship designer).
Add Ship Range, Sensor Range, Maintenance Cost and Manufacturing Cost in the ship tooltip in the general screen, etc.
Add a "Wait for Colonization" command for the colony ship located near a free planet (adjacent hex) and waiting for a specific colonization tech to be researched (Extreme Colonization, Atmospheric Cleansing); the colony ship is automatically activated as soon as the tech is available. If the planet is colonized by an opponent before the tech is available, the ship request new orders ("Idle Ship").
Add a way to know how many ideology points are generated by the improvements per turn.
Add an icon over the planet sprite to show the extreme planet type (Toxic, Barren, etc.) in the planet list and in the planet info bar (bottom left of the screen when selected).
Add a smart fonction in the program to auto upgrade the improvements from other civilizations (due to Influence "flipping", Invasion, Trade, etc. of the planet), if the player's improvement provides greater bonuses (ex: player's current research improvement bonus 50%, opponent's research improvement bonus 25% only).
This can be a game option.
Organize the way the bonuses are displayed in tooltips, in the planet screen, to make them clearer.
Civilization Bonuses
Productive (+1) +15%
Global Events Bonuses
xxxx +xx%
Colonization Event Bonuses
xxxx +xx%
Planet Bonuses
xxxx +xx%
Improvements Bonuses
xxxx +xx%
xxxx +xx%
xxxx +xx%
Starbases Bonuses
xxxx +xx%
xxxx +xx%
25) Bug.
The Growth tooltip (Growth: x Per Turn) displays false info (general screen, top right in the screen).
The effects of "Toxic World Mastery" and "Radioactive World Mastery" techs are inversed, the "Toxic World Mastery" tech acts on Radioactive world, and inversely.
***** Added 03/20/2015. End.*****