Beta 2 cleared up the performance issues, so I can actually play now. Played 220 turns or so.
Major Points
UI is awful - After playing some other 4X games recently (CiV, AOW, Endless Space, Pandora, Endless Legend, and others), coming to this was a rude shock. Finding information is difficult, the UI is ugly, and whatever information I can find is often uninformative. A tech benefit may read that it reduces building costs by 10%, but I have to read the text to find this only applies to research buildings. Information on how systems work / effects is also non existent. Why does one race have more UP clout than I do? How do 'influence' and 'diplomacy' differ? My approval modifiers may state -10%, but I still have 97% approval? What benefits do adjacency give? How does population pressure work? Tourism? Trade? Why only 1 tourism building per planet? I feel like I am stumbling through this with no explanations.
Hyper-specializtion and instant population refocusing - it seems wrong that I can instantly decide to make every scientist into a manufacturer. It also promotes hyper-specialization of planets (which may be intended), but makes planet building feel very monotonous - just spam the one improvement that benefits science or industry or wealth, and have all the adjacency bonuses. Sure you may need an initial factory or farm, but besides this there seems to be little meaningful choice in colony building.
Colonial / Shipyard industry slider - I can understand the tradeoff between money/production/science, but why does this slider exist? What situation possibly exists where you would want to split production instead of either getting out a ship a few turns earlier or getting the benefits from an improvement a few turns earlier? Why not just have 'idle' colonies automatically provide full production to their shipyard instead of making me manually switch.
Excel Syndrome - Hopefully this is because it is still early beta, but I feel like I am managing a spreadsheet. Research a tech that gives a 10% bonus. This leads to a new tech, which unlocks a building that gives a 20% bonus. Then another 10% bonus tech, then an upgrade that improves my building another 20%. It feels very lifeless. We do have the anomaly tiles which add spice to planet development, but they are very rare (3 anomalies out of 60+ planet tiles). Why not have natural wonders? Planets that have moons or rings that provide an effect? More anomalies, possibly with unique building for them? Different types of planets (desert vs ocean vs molten) with different effects or available buildings?
Basic ship designer - the ship designer seems incredibly powerful. I may at some point want to build some awesome looking ships or templates. For the majority of the times when this is not true, please consider implementing a simple system where I choose a template (visual style), and can then easily click to add components. See endless space or sots ship design for ideas.
Random Feedback
About a 50% chance to crash on startup - didn't happen in Beta 1.
Please give us shift-move (move queue) for ship movement
Ship movement - The turns left to move to the target shouldn't update during flight, but only on new turns. This leads to a ton of misleading situations, where I think I can move somewhere because it tells me 1 turn, but then I realize I have already used half my moves
Ideology tree should be draggable
UI notifications - a pop up list (see Endless Space / Legends, Warlock, Civ, AOW, etc) would be better than a single button for all items.
Planetary spending approval bonus seems to go down as spending goes up. Could be intentional - I have no idea what it should do.
Diplomatic autobalance or 'what will you give me for this' would be nice
Ship buyout costs need to go down as ship construction procedes
Allow starbases to be sponsored - by about turn 100, half of my turn was managing constructors
Text boxes cut off text constantly. Misaligned, split into two lines when only space for 1, cut off...
Planetary projects (eg birthing subsidies) don't work if you have no colony industry...but do if you have 1%
I seem to be able to go in enemy territory without open borders, and can't do anything about it when they enter mine. Please add a option to destroy intruders, possibly with a diplomatic penalty, if no open borders.
Sidebar queue needs to show turns to completion
Costs need to update immediately after changing sliders
In govern, I would like an overview of civ bonuses (traits, from research / ideology, etc), and time remaining on temporary bonuses
Do diplomacy background have lower framereate? Somehow getting impression of low quality when viewing them
bonuses unclear - in research text, may say one thing but bonus implies another
Trade improvements, but can't see value in planet - only in total?
Tourism seems huge - doubled my income
Adjacency bonuses don't update in UI after research
Ship logistics cost doesn't seem to be listed anywhere
When there multiple types of a building (eg 2 factory types) hard to know upgrade chains. Iridium store isn't an upgrade to free market?
Show current ideology levels during events