I'm using the names and equipment from the base ships and the names from the game. I started each of these designs from scratch and built them the moment I've got the tech to make these ships. They are duplicates / redesigns because the equipment choices are limited at the current stage of my game. As I play the game, I'm going to develop different ships and use these designs as things progress. I'll even add a few more other designs, but we have to start somewhere.
e.g. Any ship you build that uses tiny hull and two cannons would be a remake of the guardian, as there is no other functional difference.
I'm in the process of making other equipment options on these small ships, but the combinations are limited at the moment. Really haven't researched that much for the ships yet in my game.
I guess i should have clarified the fact that these were original designs using the parts from the ship editor, not the actual base ships themselves. When I added the equipment, I matched up what was there given the limited number of options at the moment.