Some of you have seen me mention my Star Destroyers every time I post. I won't shut up about them, as I'm rather proud of them. Well, here they are.

Yes, I even managed to make the Shield Generators look right! Those took a couple of different parts that had to be scaled way down. The ships are made entirely out of Terran parts, because Terran parts look amazing.
They are Medium-hull ships with three Durantium Drivers and an Assault Carrier module, so they come with three fighters apiece. So far, they have a perfect track record. Essentially, once I get these bad boys online, I conquer half a Gigantic galaxy, and then a new patch comes out. Heh.
If my screen looks squashed, it's because it is. I'm running the game at 1152x648, which isn't supposed to be possible, but it's my monitor's native resolution, so I make it work. The game yells at me every time I boot it up, but it doesn't stop me from playing, ever so thankfully. I have more designs, all of them original. I'll post them later.