Haha lol are you trying to bring back the Drath? This is a great post by the way.
but I would like to see a race that can't smell despite there large beaks, Or hear, or speak in a frequency any species can comprehend. they instead see the full light spectrum and see sounds see the smallest objects, and communicate via coded light. And with such unparalleled perception life seems like slow motion to the Braettian Republic*. They would have good vision and could see the tiniest quiver or sweat when someone lied in diplomacy. They communicate through light much like computers, although they are weak at research due to their indifference to any technology that they cant put on there body's, thinking there similarities to robotic brings as a rivalry, leaving them at odds with the Yor. Lucky there home system was near krynn space when the Dread lord war broke out. and enjoyed their religious beliefs as A symbol of organic uniqueness. With the korx polluting the krynn lifestyle the Braettian civilization declared independence from the krynn Syndicate.
With hyperdrive anything is now possible for this patient race of a few systems as they have futilely built a sizeable armada over the year's to fight the yor. but anyone who read the data bank's knows...the Yor are planning something big. With the untimely death of there old Emperor, will the son of a tyrant Nitraeius Lecya* use the fleets to plunge his race into war. Or Build a Grand Stellar Empire the envy of the galaxy. It's up to you.
I know this race cant be in the campaign. But would be awesome for sand box mode!
homeworld is very large and mountainous peaks higher than everst are common. and lake's splatter the planets surface below giving way to beautiful forested planes were the first city's were built.
neutral alignment, due to old Krynn beliefs.
Preferred victory, Ascension
they resemble birds but no feathers, and light gray skin by majority but teal and light red are common in the species, sloped skulls, reverse joint legs, 5 foot average height, the ability to glide, and arms that look like flying squirrels, and SHARP NAILS!!!!
I would love a interesting civ like that. And I being a writer helps with the history.
if I had more time they could be(IMHO) even better. but I will keep editing this post to save space.