Yeah, it's pretty rough. I mentioned it was a prototype
I have the freedom of making whatever I want since I'm doing it as a hobby. I also don't want to create a GalCiv or MOO clone. I'm experimenting with different mechanics. I see too many games trying to clone a few different designs. Probably because they want money and I want to create something that is fun for me to play.
The stars can be dwarf, main sequence, super giant, or hyper giant. The bigger stars will take up multiple hexes. Larger stars can explode or in the case of hyper giants...create black holes. Don't worry I don't intend to make life miserable for a player. There will be a random timer chosen at the beginning, most of the time they won't go kaboom. If your tech level is high enough you might detect it before it happens giving you enough time to evac. However, once and if the timer is set that star will die on that specific turn. Reload all you want to save your heavy production planet if you put all your eggs in one basket that your problem. The chance will be rare and unless you have incredible bad luck 2 novas in one wont happen.
Combat, like I said, will be slow and tactical. I kinda want resources to be limited. Movement will likely 2-4 movement except a resource limited warp drive. You can use the warp to charge, retreat or get toa new location rapidly. However, once you expend your fuel you are limited to normal speed until you refuel at a planet with a refinery (or has transported fuel to an outpost or on a fuel transport.) There will be a plant faction that can park their ships near a star to slowyly recharge their fuel reserves.
Some random ideas with little explanation:
Blow up your moon for a chance of making a planetary ring. Asteroid Defense Outpose. Persistent flag ship between games. I want an XCOM feel to the ships. Historical events tracked for each ship.
Anyways, I'm making a game that I think is fun. I won't post too much on the forums out of respect for Stardock but I'll let everyone know how I'm doing.