And Zydor only says that because it's true and appropriate.
Anything that doesn't fit his list of "This is GalCiv" will turn the game into a FPS? Really? Being "hostile" to open discussion/suggestions about a game about which the closest thing we know about gameplay is that it'll be like GalCiv II with improvements but nothing else or tangible facts?
Stardock, much like the Cylons, has a plan. If we trust Stardock, we should trust that they know what they are doing (or what they want to do). When they start giving data away, we can give our opinion, share thoughts and stuff. But when dealing with stuff we know nothing about, let people speculate as much as they want and ask/suggest stuff. As long as it makes sense and can fit (even if in the end it's not used), let people entertaint themselves with those topics. Stardock will make sure to do a natural selection of what can interest them or not. And once they take a stance in one topic, loser side should let go. I mean, if Stardock decides to spend 99.99% of their budget in battle animations to make tactical battles to look like Battlestar Galactica CGI battles... well, that'd mean that podHortz people would have taken over Stardock!!! And we could either support their decission or run away like Sir Robin. *makes some horse sounds with coconuts*
Cannot wait for the heated threads discussing Stardock's ideas about the different improvements they plan...