goa probably means that he uses a batch file to convert between text & bin modes
harpo, the ghost NON-subscriber
Uh, yes I did. .bat, .bin, late at night it is very easy to confuse. 
Woah there! Brief explanation? Or link to a tutorial perhaps? I'm afraid that I am completely illiterate in most of the things that you would likely get up to on computer when modding, so I have no idea what this means.
About three minutes in.
Excellent! One of the graphical bugs I noticed is the texture on some of the volcanic planets: The texture on the mid section of the planet looks as though the texture was...rotated, if that makes sense. The only other thing I notice so far is the unfinished texture job on the Bellator star destroyer.
Really I should have used the word improvements rather than fixes. But yes, I've noticed that as well. However, if its the planet I think you're talking about, I believe that is actually a Vanilla Sins planet texture. I feel like over the years I've seen it on other planets as well that I know are fine though. Did you happen to be in windowed mode or the Dev.exe? I've suspected it might be a resolution related issue.
I have access to a better Bellator but it was not designed for the Sins Engine, and it is pretty huge file size wise in its current form. Eventually we hope to get around to optimizing it for Sins but right now the New Repbulic, not the Empire, is the main priority. So its on the backburner I suppose.
The model is by the same guy who made this gorgious Gladiator, Jeroenimo, that will be in the next update though.

Gameplay-wise, I think one of admiral Thrawn's abilities is malfunctioning. It thinks it's called "Expertly done", or something like that. Basically, it can't be autocast, and is kind of an ineffective ability with such a short range, and to not be permanently active. Perhaps, it was intended to be a passive ability? Also, I'm not entirely sure if higher levels of the "deploy gunboats" ability in Imperial I star destroyers, or the "deploy defenders" ability on the bellator actually scrambles more fighters with higher levels. But I could be mistaken.
"Artistically Done" (Thrawn's last words if you didn't get the reference)?I'll double check the autocast. It did use to be an ultimate ability, so it might very well be screwed up. It was never a passive.
Starfighter spawning abilities don't always produce more squads as they level up, but the abilities themselves will get a lower cooldown or antimatter cost.
Also great news. Are the planned changes to your mod going to always be implemented to some degree in interregnum? Star Wars conversion mods like this are all well and good, but for me it was the gameplay changes that your base E4X mod made that sets it apart as such a great mod, and I hope they continue to synergise their changes.
Interregnum is literally built on top of E4X (well, as literally as anything with code is). It has access to everything in E4X and is governed by the same rules, and in fact Interregnum will not work without E4X. So yes, anything that gets added to E4X will be in Interregnum, unless for some reason it wouldn't make sense in a Star Wars context in which case I usually replace it with something else.
Basically, E4X is my version of how Sins of a Solar Empire should be. For the most part any changes that are not Star Wars gets made in there. Core gameplay changes, generic planet/galaxy related stuff and lots of other things all get put in E4X. Interregnum then adds Star Wars stuff that is made to the same standards that E4X defined.
TL;DR: Don't worry about them not being in sync with each other, they always will be.