Hey guys, I think the forum is busted. My posts are gone and I can't read anything past reply 3846 in your Empire thread KP.
I wanted to tell you that I have been looking for "detected cheat codes". I thought it is was because of the patch but in Agt Smith (Maiden666) around game 150 is "detected cheat codes" and the patche is v1.53 I also found one in Slayer-Churuff (KP) around game 64 and that patch was v1.80 and mine was patch v2.01. To find out if you have "detected cheat codes" look at your GP (games played) and see if it is the same as Wins and losses put together. I think this happening after you post games and then it takes months to appear. Strange A? I was told that they don't know why it is happening and no way find what is causing it either. There is my report for your own infomation.
As Mumblefratz suggested in another thread it could be that the replier of 3846 used some bogus html which is now blocking the thread. I had this problem quite for a while now - however, using Firefox will solve it. The problem will delete itself once a newthread-page is started.
The one game I've submitted with a cheat-flag is actually a ZYW which was ended on 1st April. It was there immediately.... By that time I have been pretty new to the MV itself, strolled into the ZYW thread and found the idea to win ASAP really apalling. I knew vaguely that you shouldn't submit too early, but I never considered this to happen in the second ZYW I did, more so as it was DL back then. There's no way for me now to resubmit it, because back then I didn't knew how to save the game correctly....
But to come back to your problem... it might be that actually this did happen to you as well. You played a hell a lot of games lately, nearly throwing Agt. Smith out of #1 @ AltMeta. The point is that you played DA, and if your ARC went somehow bad then DA will warn you (not only one time but multiple times...) that the started game will be invalid. AFAIK the only exception when the game does proceed normally without warning is a too early submit, a game ended on 1st April or earlier.
You may know this all already, but let me just repeat this very clearly now for all new future players: The earliest end-date for a ZYW without a cheatflag is 8th April - one needs to be able to play on 8th April, finish the AI's off, and press "turn" to get into the victory screen. Ending anytime earlier will inevitably cause the cheater-flag (without warning).
As ARC is also a theme in ZYW's a note on using it in DreadLords: YOU CAN'T. Nothing is allowed, and if you do, the game will also be flagged without any warning popups or else. Even after 8th April, no warning will ever be made. The only change you can make AFAIK is to rename (in-game) your planet to another in-stock planet (e.g. instead of "New Iconia" you write "New Iconia II") which will give you a better (or worse, if you'd like) planet, which, however, never will have any bonus-tiles.
BTW GmOOnii, concerning your now-deleted post, I would find it pretty sad if you'd stop playing the MV, and I actually didn't want to cause that. I know you're struggling hard and doing very well, and don't let your limits take you down. What can I say.... If you look at the above table for the gigantic scores you'll find that the leading games were started, in fact, as all abundant swindle-games albeit with a hard focus on score in the early phases. A classic ZYW (which is focused on techscore and ended on 8th April by sporeing the enemy) cannot compete with these games... not with so less planets and just a few opponents. Because of the limits the game unchangeably brings upon the player, an ultimate score can only be played by taking the strength of the other AI's into account. That is, they are not really your enemies, because if you know how to handle them they are your friends bringing alot of presents to the party
But still that is within limits, too. The 84k tiny game once was a very classical ZYW (against all AI's) ended in June and netting ~50k. That's pretty much all you can do, and it would translate to 130k in a gigantic all-rare setup. Still, even when being in debt, there are things you can do and maximising this until 12/22nd/y0 did bring me 84k on tiny's, or 224k in the gigantic map all-rare setup (a game that was played early January, but which has not been submitted *yet* as it is under a new character which will see some better scores before this one gets upped...)
What you can do about this is to change the setup of a game so that there will be more resources (AI's, planets etc) for you available, which will, if used wisely, directly translate into score. The 385k gigantic is such an example (though still a bit limited...) and another, not-yet submitted game (same reasons as above) which did break 110k in the tiny galaxy setup. It was a swindle game pretty much played out accordingly to MottiKhans "DethMumbler" or "ZYDeth" strategy, just that I pimped it fairly up with something I call "Negative Balance" strat - which is heavily exploitive of errors/glitches in the UI of DL/DA, and which enables a player to do *most* things when being deeply and irrevocably into the red (bc's...). Except doing a proper research... however, this is naturally the first thing you do in any game and then you can go and burn the babe!

BTW before I forget, I need to thank IztokBitenc as well, as one of his entries in the GalCiv2 WiKi did lead to the "NB" strat... as well as there is alot of usefull info to find there.
Nevertheless, all such games have something in common - alot of time and micromanagement is needed; and concerning your Adepta Sororitas MV Empire it is still better to play 30 classical ZYW's in time when I will not even have finished one big game...
Another thing is that you still can play this great game just for fun, as in a warfight or an alliance victory. And that way of gaming is still the most fun you can get from GalCiv2, at least, as long as it is still challenging I think. But, the point is that some of the above-mentioned strats give a player such a huge advantage that, even when all AI's would have one previous extra year of doing a colonial rush, or having 100.000bcs right on start, or 50 planets, whatever, they would inevitably just fall after 4-6 months - doesn't really matter. In fact, *vice versa* - my score would be beyond any measure if they would be in such a strong position.... And these tactics can also be used in any common game anytime (which then will be won, naturally) and I fear that this will make/render all games way too easy for the player, and the fun will be lost.
Therefore, I'm not going to lay-down any of my methods (or of the others that I know of...) here in this forum - but there currently are numerous (and even more to come....
) detailed write-ups/walk-throughs of superscore-games (both fast and long ones...) in a protected forum at the KzintiEmpire-thread @ the GalacticCore [http://www.thegalacticcore.com]. Those who seek out to play for megascore can team-up and reach for good advice and friendly discussion.