I don't have a direct link, but a quick google search should bring up the original banned in the US stuff, like the "sex" scenes and cards. It's pretty easy to install and get your copy up to status with the unedited version of the game.
I will note to anyone wondering, that the scenes are laughable, and worse and much more explicit scenes can be seen on any TV show that isn't a cartoon, and many that are cartoons.
To anyone who's never played the Witcher, it is, imo, a very fun game that is definately worth the full price of purchase, which is a comment I don't rarely use.
@ToJKa - for the love of all things holy please use mods in Oblivion. It makes that horridly bland game so much more enjoyable. I'd recommend Darn's UI, all of the Unique Landscapes, Natural Environments, Better Cities, and FCOM as the minimum requirements. FCOM (I guess) is optional, as it's a total rehaul of the game and some aren't into that, but it will increase your enjoyment ten fold. It looks hard to install, but it isn't. You'll thank yourself for going through the trouble and making your game so much better.