Assuming you still want saves, so here's a save of my first game at game end (turn 253), cultural victory. Played on the current steam build 1.50. Link
May as well give game description and feedback while I'm at it making a post. It might be a bit disjointed, just adding thoughts as I have them.
Played as Drath, who're still the same as always. Ancient is very good, war profiteers is pretty bad, it all evens out. Normal difficulty to have a chill first game. Default galaxy size seemed a bit small, so increased size to medium and sectors to a few. This caused the game to recommend putting all 17 other civs in as opponents, which is more than I'd usually prefer but decided to go with it.
Start was cramped, had a lot of AIs appear near me while the far away ones had more room. Some of the nearby AI got stuck as one core world wonders.
The lower sensor range caused me to miss a core world or two early on in tiny pockets of unexplored space.
As others have said, AIs are pretty inert right now, none of them ever fought a war against each other. Closest thing to that was a late game attempt by the Mimot to bribe me to attack someone, and that only happened once.
Same thing with their building, they just built tons of starbase modules and tiny ships. Mimot obviously the most ridiculous, with 1647 ships at game end.
No idea if the ranged beam/missile attacks are any good since the AIs rarely made fleets or even defended planets with more than one or two ships. Killing one of the eighty-nine single fighter fleets sitting outside their planet from range is pretty meaningless.
Winning an early game war or two is huge, each capital is a control point and a culture point per turn.
A few of the culture trees didn't increase their cost properly (I remember benevolence and compassion being two of them) letting me buy every upgrade for 5 points each. Malevolence let me buy every upgrade for only 1 or 2 points each!
The rule where no range can extend more than one sector away isn't explained. I kept stacking range bonuses trying to get freighters two sectors away but couldn't until I realized this and conquered a minor civ one sector away for the range waypoint. (Was made particularly clear with the +1000 influence Throne planet galactic challenge, that filled up the small sectors quickly but couldn't reach the big sector that was two jumps away.)
Corrupt leaders have a +3% global crime modifier. I assume that's global (empire-wide) and not global (planet this leader is governor of), but global might not be a great word to use in a game where you can have multiple planets.
The Hull Reinforcing policy is ridiculous. Can't figure out what tech gave it to me, but it was early and +25 health in a galaxy where only 3 HP fighters and 5 HP frigates exists means that civ running it wins every war against a civ that isn't.
Big fan of the command ship that steals the ships it destroys. Hunting down unique enemy ships to capture them is fun.
Enemy minor planets going pirate after capturing their last core world + the secrecy perk where you're allied with pirates combining to mean you can never capture those planets was an annoying surprise. Probably still a worthwhile trade-off to not have to deal with their leftover fleets as you can just save a core world for last. Maybe the perk should be on a split choice so you can skip it and still get later secrecy perks if you also want to attack pirate planets?
Culture flips basically don't exist right now, +1000 influence per turn throne planet aside. (And even that takes quite a few turns to flip anything.) I can see X citizens rebelling on the galaxy screen when a planet is in opponent culture, but nothing about rebellions (or even any hint of negative effects) on the planet view.
Not being able to destroy orbital planet improvements is an annoyance, especially when the AI puts a sensor improvement on every single planet they control.
You can get repeat events from ship graveyards that give you prototype ships. But you can't have a second copy of a prototype, so these events give literally nothing.
Rush build costs are way lower than the money you can make, same as in galciv3.
Lots of issues with citizen hovertext saying they're the wrong species and stuff. Can be difficult to get it to actually expand the approval modifiers sometimes.
Don't know how far you can look back into saves (if at all), but I acquired the Xeloxi core planet Chmmri IV... somehow? (This was long before I eventually conquered them.) Wasn't in my culture so it didn't flip, and I didn't declare war on them for probably 100 turns. Getting a planet without knowing how probably isn't the intended user experience.