It's been a few years since I played Galciv3.
I posted something back in April 2015 after playing the beta. I'm not sure if things changed. After playing Galciv3 for a few months I made a list of 100+ improvements.
1. "A better tech tree interface/UI - Similar to Endless Space or Civilization: Beyond Earth. Their tech tree is a web going in four directions, left, right, up and down, that means you get to see all techs on the same screen at once, no more clicking/scrolling back and forth between screens in each tech category. Players can zoom out and zoom in, filter by tech, name, search, queue research, etc. The tech interface in GC3 might be good 10 years ago for GC2."
A. As posted before I also like the idea of the next available research being random. Can research multiple techs at once? The tech web will only show techs already researched or is currently being research, all techs on web are blank. Unlimited repeatable techs at end game that can increase everything.
B. I would like to see a religious/spiritualist race/faction that can build shrines and temples that increase research instead of research labs. With enough insight they can get free techs for free once in a while.
C. If faction is a corporation and traders they can purchase techs with money in addition to their own research.
D. Scavengers ability-They can go thru enemy ship debris after battle with a survey ship. If faction doesn't have the tech, the tech pops up on a list ready to be researched.
Just a few different ways that each faction can obtain techs.
E. "After building or researching some structures/techs for the first time. Civilization event pop up with two to four options to receive a one time boost or permanently increase the stats of the structure/tech. I got this idea from playing Civilization: Beyond Earth."
2. No more edge of the galaxy! - Example: When your cursor is at the right middle edge of the galaxy, you can scroll across the edge of the map, it will go to the left middle edge of the map. Likewise if my ships are in the top right corner and I moved them pass the top right corner, my ships will starts to appear in the lower left corner of the galaxy! If I move my ships from the bottom of the map further, they will start appearing at the top of the map. Now every race will be surrounded by other races, no more starting off in a corner of the galaxy.
3. "New intro loading screens. We've been looking at the same Altarian and Drengin one since April 2015. The Crusade expansion intro loading screen only had "Crusade" added to it."
4. "Can create trade routes within your own civilization. If you're at war and playing on smaller maps with few civilizations, players are losing income by not being able to trade."
5. Event log-I really missed the event log from GC2. "The X civilization colonized planet X in year X (turn 10)"
"X civilization declared war on the x civilization in year X (turn 50). If you play Total War: Warhammer 2 you know what I'm talking about.
6. Pirates: Each pirate faction should have their own unique name. They usually spawn bases in asteroids. During mid game two or more of the pirate factions can decide to form a new faction with a new name and start to conquer and invade other factions. This turns into a mid game crisis.
7. "Influence as a currency- influence generated by planets and structures are now used for diplomacy options such as tech trading and declaring war, etc. Civilizations can trade and conduct diplomacy with each other anytime instead of waiting X amount of turns. Players must now make the decision on what to use the influence points on. No more civilization A meeting B and C early game and immediately trading 25 techs between the three civilizations. Influence points can also be used to affect the United Planets. I usually skip influence structures in my games, this change would make influence structures more useful." If faction is a diplomatic race such as humans, they can use influence to buy ships and/or technology.
8. "Combat-We would like to see combat move away from being an all or nothing thing in a single turn"
Maybe combat similar to Endless Legend would work if combat is going to be turn based. Combat ends in 4 or 5 turns in Endless Legend, if no side is victorious it ends up being a draw. If combat is real time maybe something similar to Endless Space 2.
9. Mid game or advanced start- mid game start off with about 50% of the galaxy colonized, advanced start 90%? This is for players who like to get to the thick of things. After so many games the early game colonizing phase seems boring.
10. New space bound race and ability - allows race to build starbases (habitats) and live in them similar to planets. They might be able to colonize planets but have penalties. An alternative is they start off in their special capital planet and expand thru starbases only. Or maybe a nomadic ship bound race where they can build structures on their ships.
11. Survey ships - In addition to endless spawning of anomalies, survey ships should be able to survey everything. Surveying asteroids might give you random loot or credits, black holes research, planets random features on tiles or planets, moons artifacts left behind from an ancient race, etc. The explore phase lasts much longer.
12. "Civilization/Colony capitals- I think I heard this 9 months ago in a dev steam, they were going to do something about this. Starting a new game or sending my colony ship to colonize a planet the capital gets randomly place on a planet tile, usually in a corner with no other adjacent tiles or capital is stuck right in the middle of 6 tiles. If you go into your home planet after a new game, pop up will ask where you want to place the civilization capital. Pop up after player newly colonized a planet to select colony capital placement. Maybe an ability to move capital or rebuild capital to another tile."
Colony capitals should be just buildings on a planet where you can upgrade them and not take a tile on the planet.
13. "UI scaling" up to 8k - 0.5 up to 2.0 (4k) or 4.0 (8k?)
14. New race mechanics (ability) for silicon - Slow pop growth. Building structures on planets or ships requires population. Their ships and structures have a much lower maintenance as a result.
15. Structures at edge of map don't get adjacency bonuses. Is it possible for them to get bonus. Maps are flat.
Can move planet screen, map left and right.
16. Wormholes - They required tech to explore once explored, players can travel thru them. Wormholes were a one time travel.
17. New cloning race - Their population grows only by cloning. They are bred for war, can't be at peace.
18. New victory type - find another galaxy, be first one to scout/explore and colonize it or send x amount of military ships to new galaxy. Maybe a new end game crisis with invaders from another galaxy.
19. Hive minds and Synthetic races - They have no need for credits or money.
20. Mega structures - Such as ones from Stellaris.
21. "Exterminator" ability - cannot engage in diplomacy unless it's to insult other races or declare war.
22. ASDW etc for camera movement