Welcome to the community Icedanno1802. Here's some suggestions.
Start a new game with non-default conditions
- try it with a large galaxy to give you some more room
-set the number of opponents to be lower, maybe 3 or 4?
- set the game level to easy
- Play as the default humans
Once you're in game, some things to try
- be willing to redesign ships (the functional bits) to use that new tech and optimize for cost
- you need to explore and find new planets to colonize
- you need to research movement tech up front, and maybe life support/scanning tech as well to make your exploration better
- take advantage of improvements on advanced tiles and neighboring bonuses
-raw production is critical each 1 raw is +manufacturing, +1 science and +1 cash
- building a factory right next to the planet capitol is a +1 to raw, so is 1 more population
Try that, and see if it helps