Flight Simulator, Super Huey, Starcross, Dragon Warrior 1, Final Fantasy 1, Zelda 2, Crystalis, Larn, Mines of Moria/Angband, Corewars, Intra-Galactic Battles, Land of Devastation, Tank Wars, Space Quest 3, Elite Plus, Red Baron, Descent 1, Wing Commander 1, Earthsiege, Master of Orion, Final Fantasy 7, Unreal 1, Spyro 2, Starfleet Command 2, Galactic Civilizations 1, Ratchet and Clank 2, Grandia 3, Mana Khemia, Dragon Quest 8, Rogue Galaxy.
Kind of shows how I bounced from Atari 8-bit to NES, back to PC, then BBSes, back over to Playstation, etc, and how I can't really stick to the same genre.