"All AI-controlled ships ignore the range limits the ships have. This was introduced in Crusade. It was claimed to be fixed in 3.02, but it just made it less bad."
Yes, posted about this already myself.
Tell me (and others) when this is fixed @Frogboy (is it already?), so that I can buy the new expansion packs (Intrigue and later). 
If people think that isn´t that important...
Well, at least for me this is a single player game, and good, but also reasonably fair, AI is a selling point (especially in 4 X games). Generally this is true for this game, but this here is just bad, because the AI just ignores (in part at least) a game mechanic, which also leads into them knowing and reaching you and other races, even though they should not, which also changes the game in another bad way.