I don't get it. I finally decided to come back to Gal Civ 3 for Crusades cause it was suppose to be so much better than when Gal Civ 3 was first released and I can't make it past first turn without realizing it's still 'broken / bugged' with the way shipyards work!
Why when I click 'Do not notify when Queue is empty' are the military shields still wasted going to an empty shipyard instead of being used as Social? Makes no sense to me. What civilization would keep sending tons of equipment to a shipyard in space that is idled and no one is there making anything. Where is all that equipment going? They get there and dump it in space!
And there is only the one global Military / Social slider so I can't just build stuff at one shipyard when I need it and keep the military / social slider at say 50/50. I like the idea of shipyards but what the heck is with the busted way they have them setup.
Is this really the way it is still ? Seems like a day 1 bug that would get fixed immediately.
Edit: Hmm. I just got 2.8 version and I had started a campaign where the Military / Social slider and pie graphs were there as usual under govern / economy but then in skirmish random maps it's completely different?
Is there no way to set your wealth / research / (military/social) spending with the pie graph anymore and no slider? These are just fixed now since this new citizen feature is there? So building ships is mandatory now every turn or else you waste all the shields without the slider to move all the way to Social or decommisioning the shipyard.
Why add the 'Do not notify when q is empty' option if it totally wastes your production every turn? We are forced to destroy the shipyard now to get full Social spending cause I can't 'End Turn' without the shipyard sponsored either.
Maybe I'm just tired but this this makes no sense and I'm already ready to give up playing GC3 again on first turn.