I've personally not had any real issues with the food system as it stands. I like to play Aquatic a good portion of the time, and the long road to awesome farms is a nice part of the challenge.
On the other hand, if there are to be limited tiles which produce food from the start, and only these can become farms, it seems that food will become a lot more strategic, and that is not a bad thing.
(Fellow Aquatic! Hello there brother!)
Actually, I don't think it becomes a lot more strategic. A layer of strategy already exists, in that you have to choose what planets are focusing on food, and what % of that planet is going to be put to food use. And should non-food planets toss some farms down until the primary food planets take off?
Adding agricultural tiles (or whatever they would be called) removes all of those choices, and just says: plant a farm here. The only strategy added is 'do I need to/should I go to war to gain some agri tiles?
Personally, I wouldn't decide to go to war over some agri tiles. I'm too much a roleplayer. But I expect there would be plenty of folks who do a restart if they didn't have enough agri tiles in their first cluster. And that is a negative. So Froglad would probably auto-give a couple of agri tiles to every capital city. Which then removes a layer of strategy in planning out your capital city - less free tiles to choose from.
No, I'm just not seeing the upside to this. I think Frogboy just had a late night smoking some weed and pondering. For me, as is, the current food mechanic makes this version of GC the most fun version yet. I'd rather he put his energy into something else. I just don't know what at the moment. I'm really liking the game right now. I'm afraid something new will break it (of course, I was thinking the same thing prior to Crusade, too).