I finally got around to setting up a version control repository with the necessary XML files for modding in it, in various branches.
It makes it easier to track releases and community patches, and, ultimately, Mods.
It's available here:
Right now, it's read only. I'd like to add people to be able to commit and do work on it, but you need an Atlassian Bitbucket account (it's free to sign up).
Please let me know if you guys want me to keep this going, and if we should use this kind of things for a more permanent place to keep our GC3 Mods and potential fixes. Using a DVCS like git is a real good idea for this kind of thing.
I put in the things I think we need, and removed the things that we don't. This should fit with StarDock's Mod license, and the various DLC are required before the game can work (i.e. you can't download the files and get the DLC - it's missing enough stuff that they won't work unless you've bought them).