I did try it again like you described, even with a static blueprint and by putting the original files in the mod folder and altering them there, but still to no avail ...
If I use "spawnbp <blueprint name>" in the console the message is always "no designs of blueprint found".
For what it's worth, I tested these files and they'll spawn your ship at your anomaly (Crusade 2.7.1). Maybe it will give you a starting point.
They go in the usual Mods -> ModName -> Game
Ok, now we both were on the same track, I implemented the same solution as you did and just now finished testing 
So, for all that are interested, the steps are:
- Create a new blueprint definition in a file with the structure of ShipBlueprintDefs.xml in the mod folder
- Create a class definition in a file with the structure of ShipClassDefs.xml in the mod folder
- Compile a FactionShipStyleDefs.xml (and keep the name!) of all xxxShipStyleDefs.xml files that you have and put it also in the mod folder
- Add a line <ShipClass>YourNewBlueprintInternalName</ShipClass> in every shipstyle of the compiled FactionShipStyleDefs.xml. If you don't do that for every faction, your ships will only spawn if you play a faction that has the line added.
- Create your "award" anomaly definition in a file with the structure of AnomalyDefs.xml
- Enjoy 
Thanks to laws2150 for your help