I seem to have somehow lost the ability to use any starbase design I have created.
I was able to create starbases when I first started playing the game not too long ago, by creating them in the ship designer then assigning them to the fleet style when creating or editing a custom race. Now, while some of the starbase designs still show up in the ship designer, they are no longer listed as options to replace starbases when I use the race editor. I can see all the generic starbases just fine, just not any custom ones- even the ones I've already used. Creating new designs does not add them to the list either.
I even tried to add one in by adding a shipstylesetdefs to the mod folder, adding a new ship style and filling in the appropriate assets in the appropriate places for the generic starbase. Now when I use this new ship style in the race editor, the generic starbase field is empty and I can't even replace it with anything (because it's empty and there's nothing there to select). When I create a game with a race set to use that ship style, I can create select and upgrade the starbase, but it's invisible. Upgrading it makes it visible again, since the upgrades are still using standard starbases.
As I already said, I was able to use my own starbase designs just a few days ago. Anyone know what's wrong and how I can fix it?
I'm used to running into problems when I'm modding, but this game...