I'm going to bump this up, because the lack of this is causing significant pain to the Mod community, and it's also hurting StarDock's ability to bug fix as well as balance.
Here's a stellar example of why we need the XML sitting in a DVCS for all of us to read AND TRACK UPDATES:
If everything was sitting somewhere I could look at the version control history, I could instantly tell WHEN the divergence occurred, and make a *real* good guess as to whether it was intentional or a mistake, then we could file a bug WITH THE ACTUAL XML FIX ATTACHED.
Brad, we really need this - both StarDock and the community - for the long haul. I can't do it myself without someone in StarDock's help, because I need clean checkouts from the internal StarDock repositories to start the DVCS site from, and we also need to insure that the languages on the License for this is clear about how the "community" DVCS works. But it's not a big deal to do - I can get it set up in a couple of hours, max, while coordinating with StarDock. It's also FREE.
Can we please set up a threat/forum for the various Mod makers, myself, and StarDock folks to hash out how we can get to there? Frankly, NOT having one set up is costing StarDock a LOT of money in terms of wasted Engineer time, and it's not helping the Mod community at all (which is bad for PR). At the minimum, we need to know why (which might be a legal thing) this couldn't happen.
Note that I'm not talking about exposing the core code of the game - this is only the mod-able text files which drive the CONFIGURATION of the game. Which, while copyrighted, are not trade secret, and thus, are easily exposed to the public with no danger of loss of IP protection.