Late comment, but I think this is worth mentioning.
Not angry, not upset, not even offended; just some additional perspective that I've found very useful in navigating this landscape.
Brushing against real-life concepts; someone can claim to be "Christian" but if they lie and cheat and steal, then their claim is empty words. Much like how I could claim to be a mechanic, but if all I do is smash in windshields and slash tires, then am I really a mechanic?
In a drunk-driving accident, do we blame the car? No, we blame the person who made bad choices and decided to start driving.
Blaming religion for something bad is the equivalent of blaming the car, instead of blaming the person who made the choice. Yes, that's a bit simplistic, but it's a far better starting point than assuming that the bad choices of a few must mean that the entire idea is evil.
(The irony I've seen on both "sides" which do this is funny, albeit in a dark way.)
Now that we've cleared that up, regarding the game itself I see that the term "jihad" fits the Krynn. While the definition of the word (IRL) is moderately flexible, the USAGE of the word (IRL) is rather rigid, often militant in nature or outright violent.
Of course that's not a 100% use, I have no doubt that there are those who apply "jihad" for peaceful endeavors, such as "I'm going to watch my temper" or "I'm not going to smoke anymore" and such.
The Krynn are not nice (mechanically, they're Malevolent) and Espionage by nature is not something done out of kindness or diplomacy, but it's just as possible to create a custom race that is Spiritual with the Devout trait that follows Benevolent ideologies.
Or perhaps the Altarians, that works too.
I'll have to side with the "grow some skin" aspect of this topic, with a generous helping of understanding of what religion is and what it is not. But in all uprightness, I'm care more about my starbases showing up in the ship designer!