I'm 50 turns into a game attempting to use both this mod and krbjms's anomaly mod. So far I've seen a few of his, but none of yours. And I have anomalies on abundant, so I've explored a lot of them.
Do yours show on the map as "Artifacts", "Capsules", and "Ship Graveyards"? I've noticed there are a lot (relatively) of Precursor Artifacts, and I'm wondering if some of those are yours. Prior to 1.2.4 Precursor Artifacts were broken (at least I never saw any). I guess I'll have to build a fleet powerful enough to explore some of them.
So krbjms weighted his anomalies the same as the base anomalies, which means they should be showing up about half the time if only his mod and the Crusade anomalies are in play. Mine are less weighted, and the effect of the lower weights will be substantial with krbjms's mod and mine both installed...
Crusade weights are Artifacts 20 - Capsules 35 - Ship Graveyards 5 - Space Junk 40 - Wormholes 1
My mod has weights of 14 for each of the three anomaly groups...
If I'm thinking of this correctly, that means with only my mod installed, the chances of getting one of my anomalies is weighted at a total of 42 vs. 101. I wanted the prevalence to be about 33% (it currently works out to about 29.4%), and this feels about right for me with only my mod installed.
But adding krbjms's mod in, the weights become 42 vs. 101 vs. 101, meaning mine would only have a prevalence of about 17.2%.
I'm considering bumping the weight up to about 16 or 17 for each to get it to almost exactly 33.3%. If I did this, it would bring the prevalence of the resource anomalies up to just over 20% with krbjms's mod installed.
To answer your other question, yes, mine are only Artifacts, Capsules, and Ship Graveyards--no Precursor Artifacts.
Thanks for the feedback. I'm going to be updating the mod probably tonight or tomorrow... it'll likely have slightly higher weights.