If you're like me, you end up saving a bunch of games with different names, and pretty soon your save list is a giant pile of garbage. Cleaning it up manually through the game UI is kind of annoying. This is a one-off PowerShell script to delete all your save games.
Warning: This deletes ALL your save games (anything with a .GC3Sav extension) in your user's \Documents\MyGames\GalCiv3\Saves\ directory, without any confirmation.
Only tested on Windows 10.
Copy the following text to a file called DeleteGalCiv3Saves.ps1 and doubleclick (Or copy into Windows PowerShell ISE and select "Run Script" (F5)) to remove all your GalCiv3 saves:
# Set the GalCiv3 save directory
$gal_civ3_savloc = "$home\Documents\My Games\GalCiv3\Saves\*"
# Delete the GalCiv3 save games
Remove-Item $gal_civ3_savloc -include *.GC3Sav