I've asked this in the past, with not much response, why do you continue to answer more on Steam and, less and less on your actual forums. I just went to the Steam forums to see that you have replied several times to peoples concerns about the map sizes there but, have said very little if any here on your forums. I know maintaining 2 forums can be a chore especially when receiving the same types of feedback, however, here is where you have your more loyal fans (normally) yet we're stuck searching for answers ourselves.
Next, what is the point of providing the opt-in options for features? These concerns were brought up prior to making the patch public both while Frogboy was testing on his own and 2 days prior to releasing 1.9 when that was added to the opt-in. Addressing these concerns at that time with either constructive conversations about it or future plans on what may be going on in the future with map sizes may have cut back on the negative posts both here and on the Steam forums.
I'm all about moving forward and I believe this patch is a huge step in the right direction, with the exception of the map sizes. I am also all about making the game great after all as a founder with all the other founders we have invested interest in the game success going forward, please at least consider our concerns as typically if are feeling that something may be looked at negatively it's a good sign that the average player is going to look at it negatively.
Last point, how can we as founders provide better feedback or constructive criticism to you as developers to help minimize negative views to the game and ultimately help increase revenue and profits of the game? I know that sometimes I jump to the most negative points as well which I can continue to work on but, I hope the community can still work hand in hand with you as developers going forward.
Thanks for listening,