Hi, just wanted to drop by to do something besides bitching about the GalCiv 3 AI (not because it's too hard yet though
I really enjoyed the October Magazine, particulary the tech talk about game engines. Will we see more technical stuff? I would love to read technicalities on AI development for example.
Congratz for kicking out the marketting pros 2 months ago. I wouldn't mind seeing more of your engineers/programmers writing about technical stuff they would enjoy writing about.
One thought on Stardock launcher:
Far Cry 3 was the last Ubisoft game I played, because their platform linking with steam sucked really really bad. Essentially I had to lock into steam to start far cry, which in turn would launch Uplay, which launched FC3. And I could not directly start FarCry from Uplay directly. I recently pondered buying a recent HoMM title, but then I remeber my FC3 experience.